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1st Grade

Phonics, Independence & God’s Big Words

First grade at Hudsonville Christian School is devoted to learning to read and write, becoming more independent, and fully understanding who God is. Scripture and academic study are beautifully intertwined. In first grade, we learn about kindness, humility, self-control, truth, and forgiveness as we learn sight words, math patterns, and sound science.

At Hudsonville Christian School, we see each child as a unique gift from God! For this reason, we have enhanced and aligned our 1st grade program to meet children where they are in their development.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

Galatians 5:22

Faith Formation

The Bible is the lens through which we look at everything at HCS. It weaves throughout our curriculum, and worship and prayer are daily class activities. Nurturing a delight in studying the Bible and sharing about their faith is paramount for our Christian faith. Students attend Chapel and discuss what they learned with their teachers and classmates.

In first grade, teachers focus on stories of God's faithfulness in which He works out His plan for His kingdom in the Old Testament and fulfills His plan through the story of Jesus. These stories, Bible memory, class devotions, prayer time, and communal worship help students build the foundation of their faith.

 Faith Portfolio

In first grade, HCS students continue to add to their Faith Statement Portfolio as they reflect on what they have learned about God and what their faith journey has looked like this academic year. Specific to 1st grade, students reflect on the attributes and characteristics of God.

Faith Capstone

"God's Big Words" is the 1st grade faith capstone project. There are several words taken from the Bible that God encourages us to live by, such as perseverance, humility, self-control, truth, and forgiveness. Each word comes directly from Bible verses and is reinforced through picture books. Then, at the end of the year, students do a final project about what they have learned about God's Big Words.

Learning Areas

Our biblical worldview is present across all areas of learning. Through an interdisciplinary approach, our teaching utilizes thematic units to connect Bible, Language Arts, Math, and Science. Weekly “Specials” provide additional experiences in the Arts, Spanish, and Literature, as well as Nature-Based and Physical Education. 

From sight words and Bible memory, math facts to animal life cycles, 1st grade students develop grade-appropriate proficiency in core academic disciplines. Understanding that God created children with different learning styles, we use many strategies to teach phonics, reading, and math skills.

“I love teaching students new information and watching them improve, but this is nothing compared to being able to teach them about the Bible, share with them about how Christ changed my life, and pointing them to the LORD.”

Mrs. Beukema, 1st Grade Teacher


  • Bible
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Studies

1st Grade

Students participate in supplementary subjects: 

  • Art
  • Library
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Outdoor Education
  • Spanish

1st Grade

Mrs. McKena DeJong

Mrs. Emma Jo Brinks

Ms. Whitney Nyeholt

Mrs. Emily Pettinga

Mrs. Malyn VanKoevering


  • Devotions, Morning Routine
  • Language Arts
  • Snack/Recess
  • Language Arts (continued)
  • Lunch Recess
  • Lunch
  • Specials
  • Science/Social Studies
  • Math
  • Bible


We’d love to talk with you about how HCS can partner with you to challenge the heart and mind of your elementary student. If you are ready to learn more about HCS, we invite you to connect with us using the form below.

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