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Rhythms of Praise & Worship

At Hudsonville Christian School, we prioritize worship. Classes recite Scripture together, grades gather to sing songs of praise, and each building comes together every week for Chapel. 1,247 voices singing praises to God is beautiful. We invite you to watch these recent elementary and middle school chapels videos.  

Hudsonville Christian School (HCS) is an independent, coeducational Christian school located in Hudsonville, Michigan.
persons from the middle school leading chapel

Elementary School Chapel Videos

The Elementary School gathers every week for Chapel. Each week a different class takes turns leading. There are skits and songs, prayer and praise, Scripture and stories. Chapel is a wonderful celebration of who God is and our desire to follow Him.

Visit to watch more HCS Chapel videos.

Middle School Chapel Videos

At HCS Middle School students gather every Tuesday and Thursday mornings for worship. Students start these days in prayer, in worship and the Word. The shift from weekly chapels to bi-weekly chapels is intentional as we challenge our older students toward maturity in their faith.

Visit to watch more HCS Chapel videos.

What We Believe

As a school committed to challenging minds and lives for Christ, what we believe matters. The Bible was, is, and will always be our guide. Created by the School Board, all staff and enrolling families must comply with our Statement of Beliefs.

What We Believe