Think Like Jesus
Fast Facts
Preschool Teachers: 3
Average Class Size: 14
School Start: September 2
Cost: $1,290
Schedule options: 2- half days
Communication: Weekly teacher emails, Monthly calendars, Photo sharing
An Introduction to Academic Concepts
We believe that young child learn best through play and hands-on activities. We combine that with a developmentally appropriate program that meets the spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical needs of the child. We expose students in our 3-year-old preschool program to concepts in language, math, science, and pre-writing, as well as various motor, social, and life skills. We use Heggerty to continue to learn letters and sounds, and we use Handwriting Without Tears to develop pre-writing skills.
Bible stories
“Love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength” Deuteronomy 6:5
The five senses
Community helpers
The Old and New Testament
Emotional Development
Gross: Run, skip, jump, and hop in the gym
Fine: Cutting, pre-writing activities, tracing, working on puzzles, and learning the correct pencil grip.
3 School at HCS
Sample Schedule
- Greet children / Opening Prayer
- Circle Time
- Bible and Praise Time
- Center Time
- Outdoor Play
- Bathroom and Snack Break
- Whole Group Instruction: Alphabet Instruction, Literature, and Art
- Circle Time / Show-n-Tell / Silly Songs
- Dismissal
Enrollment Requirements
3 years of age
Toilet trained
Ready for a group experience away from home and parent(s)
3 School Cost
The cost of 3-School for the 2025-26 is $1,290.
HCS has a $90 enrollment fee that is applied to your child’s tuition.
The tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2025.