Learning In Nature.
God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31
Fast Facts
Nature-Based 4 School Teachers: 2
Average Class Size: 16
School Start: September 3
Cost: $1,450 (2-day) and $1,950 (3-day)
Schedule options: 5 different days/times
Communication: Weekly teacher emails, Weekly all-district newsletters, Photo sharing
Play-Based Academics
Nature-Based 4 School at Hudsonville Christian helps children build their skills and knowledge through direct experiences with nature, classroom materials, and relationships with peers and instructors.
Bible stories
We use Heggerty to continue to learn letters and sounds, and we use Handwriting Without Tears to develop pre-writing skills.
Emotional & Social Development
Take turns
Have patience
Participate in school
Cut and tear paper
Hold a pencil
Write their name
Nature-Based 4 School at HCS
Sample Schedule
- Greet children / Opening Prayer
- Circle Time
- Bible and Praise Time
- Center Time
- Outdoor Play
- Bathroom and Snack Break
- Whole Group Instruction: Alphabet Instruction, Spanish, Literature, and Art
- Circle Time / Show-n-Tell / Silly Songs
- Dismissal
Enrollment Requirements
4 years of age
Toilet trained
Nature-Based 4 School Cost for 2024-25
The cost of our program varies based on the number of days your child attend.
- 2-day: $1,450
- 3-day: $1,950
HCS has a $100 enrollment fee that is then applied to your child’s tuition.
Tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2024.
Dual Enrollment: Traditional 4 School + Nature Based 4 School
Full-Day, Dual-Enrollment Program Cost (2024-25)
- 2-day: $3,050
- 3-day: $4,100
HCS has a $125 enrollment fee that is then applied to your child’s tuition.
Tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2024.