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The teacher shows students a butterfly at Hudsonville Christian Preschool's Nature-Based 4 School.

Learning In Nature.

Children love to explore, create, and play in God’s world. The Nature-Based (NB) 4 School at Hudsonville Christian School embraces this love and uses it as a catalyst for children’s growth and development. Spending time learning about our Creator and what He has created while being in creation is very special. Yes, even in Michigan, in the middle of winter. Nature-based students learn the same things as the traditional program and spend approximately 50% of their time in the “outside classroom.”

God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. Genesis 1:31

Fast Facts

Nature-Based 4 School Teachers: 2

Average Class Size: 16

School Start: September 3

Cost: $1,490 (2-day) and $2,010 (3-day)

Schedule options: 5 different days/times

Communication: Weekly teacher emails, Monthly calendars, Photo sharing

Play-Based Academics

Nature-Based 4 School at Hudsonville Christian helps children build their skills and knowledge through direct experiences with nature, classroom materials, and relationships with peers and instructors.


In 4 School, children will grow in their love for God through daily:
  • Bible stories
  • Worship
  • Prayer


Our Nature-Based 4 School students hike daily and discover God’s world through nature-inspired thematic units: insects, trees, animals, winter, and pond life.

We use Heggerty to continue to learn letters and sounds, and we use Handwriting Without Tears to develop pre-writing skills.

Emotional & Social Development

Supporting the work you are already doing at home, our students learn how to be respectful and kind and accept others as Jesus modeled. We learn about feelings, friendship skills, empathy, and emotion management. They will learn to
  • Take turns
  • Have patience
  • Participate in school
We also build their confidence in how wide, long, and deep the Father’s love for them. (Ephesians 3:18)


4 School students work to develop their fine motor skills.
  • Cut and tear paper
  • Hold a pencil
  • Write their name
They will have opportunities outside or inside to run, jump, climb, hop, skip, and move to music. Students learn that our bodies are the temple of God and that we need to keep them healthy and safe.

Schedule Options


Monday + Wednesday + Friday | 8:15 – 11:00 AM

Tuesday + Thursday | 8:15 – 11:00 AM

Tuesday + Thursday + Friday | 8:15 – 11:00 AM



Tuesday + Thursday | 8:15 – 2:40 PM (Traditional + Nature-Based)

Monday + Wednesday + Friday | 8:15 – 2:40 PM (Traditional + Nature-Based)

Nature-Based 4 School at HCS

Sample Schedule

  • Greet children / Opening Prayer
  • Outdoor Exploration
  • Group Meeting with Bible and singing
  • Hike
  • Bathroom and Snack Break
  • Circle Time / Show-n-Tell / Silly Songs
  • Learning Centers
  • Prayer/Dismissal

Enrollment Requirements

Hudsonville Christian School admits to its 4 School program any student who comes from a family who supports opportunities for a response to God’s Word and has reached the following milestones before the first day of school:
  • 4 years of age
  • Toilet trained
Parents must provide Waterproof rain boots, Croc shoes for indoors, Oakiwear Suit, and other cold-weather gear.

Nature-Based 4 School Cost 

The cost of our program varies based on the number of days your child attend.

  • 2-day: $1,490
  • 3-day: $2,010

HCS  has a $100 enrollment fee that is then applied to your child’s tuition.

Tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2025.

Dual Enrollment: Traditional 4 School + Nature Based 4 School

If you’re looking for a full-day option, we offer a Dual 4 School program, combining a morning in Traditional 4 School with an afternoon in Nature-Based 4 School. Students enjoy lunch with our Kids’ Corner Childcare staff and have a Traditional 4 School teacher and a Nature-Based teacher. They also get to participate in field trips and special days related to both the traditional and nature-based classes.

Full-Day, Dual-Enrollment Program Cost 

  • 2-day: $3,150
  • 3-day: $4,230

HCS  has a $125 enrollment fee that is then applied to your child’s tuition.

Tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2025.


We’d love to talk with you about how HCS can partner with you to challenge the heart and minds of your preschool student. Please fill out the form if you are ready to learn more about HCS.

Parent's Name(Required)