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Middle School

6th Grade

Growth & Confidence

The first year in middle school is exciting! From more varied class options to individual Chromebooks and school athletic teams, students in 6th grade enjoy new social freedoms and academic opportunities in a safe environment. Our students think more deeply about Scripture and how God is at work in their own lives. Serving is a big part of this year as students regularly volunteer at local ministries. We do all this to build confidence and inspire students to grow in their knowledge and pursuit of Christ.


The Bible is the lens through which we look at everything at HCS. It weaves throughout our 6th grade curriculum, and worship and prayer are daily class activities. Nurturing a delight in studying the Bible and sharing about their faith is paramount for our Christian faith. 6th grade students attend and occasionally lead at our weekly Chapels and discuss their learning with their teachers and classmates. In addition, 6th grade students contribute to their Faith Portfolio and complete a grade-specific Faith Capstone activity each year.


In sixth-grade, our aim is to guide students in developing a deeper understanding of core academic disciplines, elective subjects, and their faith. Students explore various subjects, from STEM to fine arts, engaging in broad and captivating learning experiences that foster problem-solving skills, critical and creative thinking, collaboration, and perseverance. They delve into topics like ecosystems, communication methods, historical Bible figures, and musical performances. Group projects and hands-on learning are incorporated to challenge and inspire students’ minds and lives.

Academic Core Subjects


Language Arts



Social Studies

6th grade band performance

Academic Electives





Physical Education



Advanced Learning & Educational Support Services

Advanced English Language Arts and Math programs are available for 6th-grade students that qualify. These classes give selected students the chance to work beyond grade level so that they may continue to be engaged academically and offer their unique gifts to the body of Christ.

At the Middle School, the HCS Educational Support Services team provides assistance for 6th-grade students with specific learning needs while promoting spiritual, social and academic growth of all students. We offer a variety of support for students with learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, emotional impairments, autistic spectrum disorder, attention dysfunctions and anxiety dysfunctions. 


We’d love to talk with you about how HCS can partner with you to challenge the heart and mind of your middle school student. If you are ready to learn more about HCS, we invite you to connect with us using the form below.

Parent's Name(Required)