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Middle School

8th Grade

Live It Out

Eighth grade is a big year for students. They’ve grown, learned and experienced so much. Yet, God has so much more in store for them. So, in eighth grade at Hudsonville Christian School students are taught and mentored, while being encouraged to teach and mentor their peers. They are active in chapel planning, classroom discussions and student events. Through standard and advanced courses, career inventories, mock job interviews, health lessons, we provide teachings that challenge and connect with students in their specific season of life.
Read on to learn more about the faith formation practices and academic learning at HCS in 8th grade.


The Bible is the lens through which we look at everything at HCS. It weaves throughout our curriculum, and worship and prayer are daily class activities. Nurturing a delight in studying the Bible and sharing about their faith is paramount for our Christian faith. Students attend and often lead at our bi-weekly Chapels and discuss their learning with their teachers and classmates. In addition, students contribute to their Faith Portfolio and complete a grade-specific Faith Capstone activity each year.


Eighth grade at HCS is about academic preparation and spiritual conviction. They focus on the life of Christ, conduct independent research, strengthen their grammar, discover genetics and explore career opportunities. Always assured of God’s design and dominion.

Academic Core Subjects


Language Arts



Social Studies

Academic Elective Subjects





Physical Education




This year, 8th grade students designed their own board games to help their peers learn about the Civil War. Complete with rules and trivia cards, games allowed students to learn through active engagement and teaching others. A win-win.

Follow @HudsonvilleChristian on social media to see more of the life of our school.

Advanced Learning & Educational Support Services

Advanced English Language Arts and Math programs are available for 7th-grade students that qualify. These classes give selected students the chance to work beyond grade level so that they may continue to be engaged academically and offer their unique gifts to the body of Christ.

At the Middle School, the HCS Educational Support Services team provides assistance for specific learning needs while promoting spiritual, social and academic growth of all students. We offer a variety of support for students with learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, emotional impairments, autistic spectrum disorder, attention dysfunctions and anxiety dysfunctions. 


We’d love to talk with you about how HCS can partner with you to challenge the heart and mind of your middle school student. If you are ready to learn more about HCS, we invite you to connect with us using the form below.

Parent's Name(Required)