Giving campaigns are dedicated initiatives to raise support for a specific need at Hudsonville Christian School. From the annual Faith Campaign to a year-end gift to the Tuition Assistance Fund, generous contributions from the body of Christ to these campaigns allow HCS to continue to challenge minds and lives for Christ.
The Faith Campaign
Building & Grounds Funds
The regular maintenance of our combined 150,000+ sq feet and 43+ acres of building and grounds often needs supplemental support to offset unexpected or additional expenses. By giving to the Building and Grounds fund, you help meet the very practical, day-to-day needs of our school.
To give to the HCS Building and Grounds Fund, contact Mission Advancement or give online today.
Tuition Assistance Gift
Tuition Assistance provides a little extra financial support to families who qualify. Without your partnership, many students would be unable to attend Hudsonville Christian School.
To give to a Tuition Assistance Gift, contact Mission Advancement or give online today.
Tuition Assistance Fund
We believe that every child deserves the opportunity to receive a quality Christian education that shapes their character, intellect, and faith. Hudsonville Christian School is committed to making this vision a reality for families through our Tuition Assistance program. Our legacy of generous donors and supportive partners like you enables us to extend tuition assistance to eligible families.
The needs in our community are significant. The funds available within the 2024 Tuition Assistance fund are the lowest they have ever been, partially because we have already distributed more tuition assistance to families in need than last school year.
Thank you for considering make an education at HCS a possibility for all seeking a Christ-centered education!
The Middle School Expansion Project
Expansion Project Features
11,000 sq ft classroom addition
New parking lot and school entrances
Trades program learning areas
Nature-based learning space
Refurbished common areas
Innovation program learning space
March 2023: Project kickoff
December 2023: Renovation of current building complete
August 2024: Expected completion