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Preschool Painting

Loving Care. Fully Challenged.

 If you’re looking for a full-day option, we offer a Dual 4 School program, combining a morning in the traditional 4 School class with an afternoon in the Nature-Based class. Dual 4 School is where your preschooler can prepare to participate successfully in an academic, all-day setting with peers. Students enjoy lunch with our Kids’ Corner Childcare staff and have different teachers for their morning and afternoon classes. They also get to participate in field trips and special days related to both the traditional and nature-based classes.

As we guide our students, we follow the biblical principle found in 2 Peter 3:18: “…grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and forever! Amen.” 

Fast Facts

Preschool Teachers: 3

Average Class Size: 16

School Start: September 2

Cost: $3,150 (2-day) or $4,230 (3-day)

Schedule options: 2 or 3 full days each week

Communication: Weekly teacher emails, Monthly newsletters, Photo sharing

Play-Based Academics

At HCS we believe children learn best through play, so we offer a play-based, developmentally appropriate program for our 4-year-old preschool students. We challenge minds through math, literacy, science and social activities as well as foster a love for God and His world. Through our play-based approach, 4-year-old students engage in various activities that facilitate academic development, including learning number sense, patterning, classifying, matching, and letter and sound recognition. During the Nature-Based portion of their day, students build their skills and knowledge through direct experiences with nature, classroom materials, and relationships with peers and instructors. We use Heggerty to continue to learn letters and sounds, and we use Handwriting Without Tears to develop pre-writing skills.


Moreover, we prioritize the spiritual development of our students. In our 4 School program, children have daily exposure to Bible stories, worship, prayer, and praise. We aim to instill a love for God in their hearts and encourage them to grow spiritually.


Students will develop many skills in 4 Schools, including:  

  • Shapes 
  • Colors
  • Patterning
  • Counting concepts
  • Classifying and matching

We use Heggerty to continue to learn letters and sounds, and we use Handwriting Without Tears to develop pre-writing skills.

Emotional Development

Emotional and social development is another essential aspect of our program. We work hand in hand with parents to teach our students respect, kindness, and acceptance, following Jesus’ example. We focus on developing their emotional management skills, empathy, friendship skills, and understanding of feelings. Our students also learn important values like taking turns, having patience, and participating actively in the school community. We want our students to understand the depth of God’s love for them, as emphasized in Ephesians 3:18.


Physical development is also a key aspect of our program. Through various activities, we help our students develop fine motor skills such as cutting and tearing paper, holding a pencil, and writing their names. We provide opportunities for outdoor and indoor play, allowing them to run, jump, climb, hop, skip, and move to music. We emphasize the importance of maintaining a healthy and safe body as a temple of God.

Schedule Options


Tuesday + Thursday | 8:15 – 2:40 PM (Traditional + Nature-Based)

Monday + Wednesday + Friday | 8:15 – 2:40 PM (Traditional + Nature-Based)

Dual 4 School at HCS

Sample Schedule

  • Greet children / Opening Prayer
  • Circle Time
  • Large Group Activity
  • Outdoor/Gross Motor
  • Bathroom and Snack Break
  • Bible and Praise Time
  • Learning Centers
  • Lunch
  • Outdoor Exploration
  • Group Meeting with Bible and singing
  • Hike
  • Bathroom and Snack Break
  • Circle Time 
  • Learning Centers
  • Prayer/Dismissal

Enrollment Requirements

To enroll in our 4 School program, your child should be 4 years of age and toilet trained before the first day of school.

Dual 4 School Cost 

The cost of our program varies based on the number of days your child attend.

  • 2-day: $3,150
  • 3-day: $4,230

HCS  has a $125 enrollment fee that is then applied to your child’s tuition.

Tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2025.


We’d love to talk with you about how HCS can partner with you to challenge the heart and minds of your preschool student. Please fill out the form if you are ready to learn more about HCS.

Parent's Name(Required)