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Kindergarten teacher leading a song at HCS.

Foundations & Fun

Kindergarten establishes many academic, social, and faith-formation building blocks for students. Whether your student is coming from preschool at HCS, another school, or from homeschooling, our teachers will help them transition to the traditional classroom. In Kindergarten at HCS, we learn about God and His story. Cooperation with peers, daily routines, and teacher interaction are just as important to learn as reading and math concepts.

On this page you will find information on:

  • Faith formation
  • Learning areas
  • Schedule options

At Hudsonville Christian School, we see each child as a unique gift from God! For this reason, we have enhanced and aligned our Kindergarten program to meet children where they are in their development. For some, that may mean having fewer in-class days. For some, that may mean more!

Faith Formation

The Bible is the lens through which we look at everything at HCS. It weaves throughout our curriculum, and worship and prayer are daily class activities. Nurturing a delight in studying the Bible and sharing about what we learn is paramount for our Christian faith. Students attend Chapel and discuss what they learned with their teachers and classmates. Two recurring faith nurturing practices we have established at HCS are Faith Portfolios and Bible Capstone Projects.

 Faith Portfolio

In Kindergarten, HCS students begin to create their Faith Statement Portfolio that will follow them through 8th grade. After every grade, your student reflects on what they have learned about God and their walk with Him. In Kindergarten, this journey begins with students imagining how they would spend a day with Jesus.

Faith Capstone

All year long, Kindergarten students learn about "God's Big Story"--the story of salvation. We see how God created a perfect world, but when we sin, we ruin it. God calls us to be like Jesus, and so we work at reflecting His light in our world. We notice and celebrate when we shine for Him. The discussions that come out of this experience give us a glimpse into the hearts of our Kindergarteners and a picture of how God is working in them.

Learning Areas

Kindergarten at Hudsonville Christian integrates a Christian perspective across all areas of learning. Through an interdisciplinary approach, our teaching utilizes thematic units to connect Bible, language arts, math, and science. Weekly “Specials” provide additional experiences in the arts, Spanish, and literature, as well as nature-based and physical education.


  • Bible
  • Language Arts
  • Math
  • Science


In addition to the core subjects above, Kindergarten students participate in supplementary subjects: 

  • Art
  • Library
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Outdoor Education
  • Spanish


Mrs. Gwen DeLong

Mrs. Konni Lubbers

Mrs. Lindsey Seaver

Mrs. Marcy Yonker

Mrs. Jolynn Ymker

Schedule Options

Full-day options (7:50 AM – 2:40 PM):

Monday (after Christmas) + Tuesday + Thursday + Friday | 3 to 4 days

Monday + Tuesday + Thursday + Friday | 4 days

Monday – Friday | 5 days

Kindergarten at HCS

Sample Schedule

  • Devotions, Morning Routine
  • Language Arts
  • Snack/Recess
  • Bible
  • Math
  • Recess
  • Lunch
  • Writing
  • Science/Social Studies
  • Specials
  • Dismissal

Enrollment Requirements

To enroll in our Kindergarten program, your child should be 5 years of age by September 1, 2025.

Kindergarten Cost 

The cost of our program varies based on the number of days your child attend.

  • 3- to 4-day: $6,420
  • 4-day: $7,140
  • 5-day: $8,920

HCS  has a $250 enrollment fee that is then applied to your child’s tuition.

Tuition rate is subject to approval by the HCS Society in March 2025.


We’d love to talk with you about how HCS can partner with you to challenge the heart and minds of your preschool student. Please fill out the form if you are ready to learn more about HCS.

Parent's Name(Required)