Dear HCS Families,
How can it be that we are at this point in the calendar already? Summer is in full swing, and it is almost hard to believe that a new school year is approaching us so quickly. We at Hudsonville Christian School, want you to enjoy the summer and the remaining break to its fullest. There is still time to create opportunities for meaningful memories, and that is so important. That being said, we are working hard in preparation for the start of school in a few weeks. There is a great amount of shifting and many changes in response to this summer’s completion of our Middle School expansion and renovations project. It will be fun to witness how students and staff will utilize this wonderful space and blessing for generations to come. We give God the glory for this great blessing to our school and community.

Our theme for the coming year is “Consuming Fire” based on Hebrews 12:28-29: “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire’.” We look forward with anticipation to discover how God will unveil and use our theme. Throughout the Bible, fire is used to show us aspects of who God is and what He does! The imagery of fire shows us the presence of God throughout Scripture. It is a powerful symbol that grabs our attention and causes us to think about who we are in the light of God’s blazing glory! While our God is a consuming fire, if we are consumed by Him, it implies we have such a strong faith that it affects absolutely everything. The Bible also describes the gifts of faith we receive from God as like a fire that cannot and should not be contained! May we, at HCS, be consumed–filled to the point of overflowing–with faith from God so that we might boldly and warmly shine His light for all to see! To God be the glory!
We hope you find the following information helpful as we all gear up for a successful school year. Thank you for the opportunity to partner with you in challenging minds and lives for Christ.
In His service,
Devon K. Brinks
Class Lists
Class lists are accessible through FACTS RenWeb. Seeing class lists for the first time can bring about a lot of emotions. Some will feel joy and excitement, while others might feel some anxiety and even shed a tear. Please know that we have confidence in all of our staff members. They invest a lot of time, energy and prayer into creating these lists and have to consider many factors along the way. Unfortunately, we are not able to make changes to the class lists once they are finalized in the summer. We are praying that God will bless each student as they prepare for the new school year!
For middle school students – homeroom assignments are finalized however there may be some adjustments to your child’s schedule before the start of the school year. A finalized schedule will be given to your student on the first day of school.
If you experience any difficulty signing in to FACTS RenWeb, please contact Terry Steenstra at tsteenstra@4hcs.org.
School Management Software
HCS utilizes FACTS RenWeb as our school management software program. Parent login can be found at https://hv-mi.client.renweb.com/pw/. Here you will find your child’s class list, homework and report cards. The HCS school directory can also be accessed through RenWeb.
Open House & Expo
Join us Monday, August 19 from 5:30-7:00 PM. The HCS Open House is a night for students in Y5s-8th grade and their parents to tour the school buildings, see their classroom, locker and to reconnect with or meet new families. An EXPO (at the elementary building) will feature many of HCS’s events and programs such as the Parents’ Club, Auction, TRIP, Math Pentathlon, Robotics and much more!
Middle School Celebration and Dedication
The Lord has blessed us with a middle school renovation and expansion that will allow Hudsonville Christian to provide Christian education for our growing student population in the years to come. We invite you to join us at the Middle School as we celebrate this blessing and dedicate our new space. The Celebration/Dedication will be held after the Open House on Monday, August 19, at 7:30pm at the middle school. All are welcome and invited!
First Day of School
Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 21 for students in Young 5s – 8th Grade. School begins at 7:50 AM and dismissal is at 2:40 PM. Students may be dropped off starting at 7:30 AM.
HCS Website
The HCS website is an important resource for parent information. From our website you can access the Home Communicator, the school calendar, the parent handbook, homework links, current forms and much more!
School Supply Lists
The lists showing supplies that are needed for students are available on our website.
Bus routes and information will be coming from Hudsonville Public School and Unity Christian School soon! If you have questions about busing please contact the Hudsonville Public School Transportation Department or Unity Christian High School.
Limited Busing
August 21-23 HPS will offer limited busing in the afternoon. AM routes will run as normal. Stay tuned for more information on which routes will run on these days.
Room Parent Volunteers
Thank you to everyone that has volunteered to be a room parent for this school year! You should have received an email from the Parents’ Club Board if you have been selected for your child’s classroom. We are still in need of a few more room parent volunteers in the following classrooms:
- Young 5s – Mrs. Havert, Mrs. VanderStelt,
- Kindergarten- Mrs. Seaver, Mrs. Lubbers, Mrs. Ymker
- First Grade – Mrs. Brinks, Ms. Nyeholt, Mrs. Pettinga
- Second Grade – Mrs. Neher, Ms. Ritsema
- Third Grade – Mrs. Schramm
- Fourth Grade – Mrs. Buikema, Ms. Brinks, Mrs. Miedema, Mr. Sills, Mr. Terpstra
- Sixth Grade – Mr. Huisman, Mrs. Sietsema
- Seventh Grade – Mrs. Heerspink, Mrs. Roode
Now that you have your class lists, if you have a child in one of these classrooms please consider volunteering as a room parent. Email pcb@4hcs.org for more information or to sign up. Thank you!
Substitute Teaching
As we start planning for the new school year, we would like to build our list of people able to substitute teach in the Middle School and/or in the Elementary School. If you would be interested in subbing, please contact the Middle School office at 616-379-0338 or by email msoffice@4hcs.org or the Elementary office at 616-669-6689 or email cpalmbos@4hcs.org.
Auction Committee Members
The Parents Club Board is asking you to consider volunteering on the Auction committee! We are in need of at least 4 additional volunteers to help plan and facilitate the Auction that will take place in the spring of 2025! This is an important event for our school and a great way to build community! If you are willing to serve in this way click HERE to sign up! Questions? contact pcb@4hcs.org or auction@4hcs.org.
HCS Clay Shoot
Hudsonville Christian School is sponsoring its 18th annual Sporting Clay Shoot- at Blendon Pines in Borculo on September 7. We’d love to see you come out and support the Hudsonville Christian School Tuition Assistance Fund. Last year we raised over $18,000 in this fun event. It doesn’t matter if you’re a novice or an expert shooter, this promises to be a fun event with something for everyone. For more information or to register click HERE.
Kids’ Corner
Kids’ Corner will be opening on August 21 for the school year! Please note that it will be open from 7:00 am-5:45 pm Monday-Friday and will be closed when the rest of school is closed. We recommend that preschool students wait to begin their Kids’ Corner schedule until their 3 School and 4 School classes start the week of September 3. Waiting allows students to meet their teacher and classmates, establish school routines, and begin with their normal school schedule. However, if your enrolled KC child needs child care before Preschool starts, you may use this google form to fill out your needed care from August 21-29. Please fill out the form by Monday, August 12 so we can staff accordingly.
Preschool Visiting Days- August 27 & 28
3 School and 4 School Visit Days will be on August 27 & 28. These will be special one-hour days where the preschooler and one parent (or special adult) get to meet the teacher, see the classroom, and get an idea of what preschool is all about! Visit Day information will be mailed to you in a packet coming soon!
Preschool Parent Orientation
We will be having a short parent orientation for 3 School and 4 School parents on Monday, August 26. This parent-only night will be a time to meet your child’s teacher, learn about the class, and ask any questions you have. Parent Orientation details for your child’s class will be mailed to you in a packet coming soon!
Preschool Family Kickoff – August 28, 6:00-7:30
If you have a 3 School or 4 School child at HCS this year, join in celebrating the beginning of their school year with a fun-filled night of snacks and activities for the whole family! This is a great way for your child to connect with his or her teacher, for you to meet other 3 school and 4 school families, and to celebrate what God will do this year!
Y5-5th Grade Playground Visits
Want a fun way for your children to reconnect with children in their grade and meet those who are new to HCS? Bring them to their specific grade’s playground time on Tuesday, August 13! Feel free to bring older or younger children along!
- Y5s/K- 9:00-10:00
- 1st/2nd- 10:00-11:00
- 3rd/4th- 11:00-12:00
We are in need of a couple volunteers to help greet families at the playground visit day. If you are able to help, please sign up HERE. Thank you!
Elementary Hot Lunch
Information on the Elementary Hot Lunch program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website. Hot lunch will be offered at the elementary school starting on the first day of school.
Family Portal: https://hudsonville.familyportal.cloud/
- Apply for Free and Reduced Price Meal benefits! If you are wondering if you would qualify, here are the Income Guidelines. Free and Reduced Meal Benefits are based on household size, income amount (gross), and income frequency. GOOD NEWS: any family that qualifies for Reduced Price Meal benefits will receive lunch at no cost. BAD NEWS: the state budget will fund free school meals for all public K-12 students in Michigan who do not qualify for free and reduced lunch the 2023-24 School Year and does not apply to private or parochial schools like HCS. Lunch will not be free to HCS students who do not qualify for Free and Reduced Meal benefits.
- You will need to register a new account to monitor accounts or deposit online; Send Money to School accounts no longer exist.
- Regardless of benefits status, Milk-only purchases remain at $0.50 per carton. Milk is included as part of the whole MEAL benefit. If your child(ren) qualifies for free or reduced price meals and all they want is a carton of milk, their account will be charged 50 cents.
The Food Service Website www.jenhudfood.org is loaded with information. Please click on any of these links for more information:
- Digital Menus by Nutrislice (look for updates in August to Nutrislice)
- How Meal Service Works and Depositing Money
- Meal Charge Policy
Student Drop-off and Bus Loop Information
Please take note of the parking and bus loop areas so that we can work together to ensure the safety of our students. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the office at 616-669-6689.
Bus Loop – All buses (HPS and Unity) will run through the bus loop, which is in the north parking lot off of Hillcrest behind the school. You may see some HCS staff vehicles parked in the middle of this lot, but parents should not enter this lot to park or drop off/pick up their student(s) at all during the day. This area is strictly for bus traffic, so please help us keep our students safe by adhering to this.
Parent Parking and Drop Off/Pick Up Area – The parent parking area and drop off/pick up location is the circle drive off Oak Street. Parents may line up around this loop along the walkway to drop off or pick up their students. The curb along the sidewalk is reserved for those doing a quick drop off or pick up. It is not for parking. Please do not park on the curb by the flagpoles, and please do not double park in the loop. If you do park in a parking spot to drop off or pick up your student, please walk your student across the parking lot so they are not walking alone in front of other traffic.
West Parking Lot – Please consider this option when dropping off and picking up your older children. Choosing to use this option helps to keep our children (and parents) safe by reducing some of the congestion near the main entrance.
Spring Street Parking Lot – The Spring Street parking lot, which runs west off from School Street is for Early Childhood parking only. Parents coming for Kids’ Corner Childcare, 3 School, and 4 School are the only ones who should use this parking lot.
Playground Volunteers
We are in need of volunteers to help cover the elementary playground during recess! Having additional adults on the playground helps keep our kids safe. Please check out this Sign Up Genius link to sign up and earn volunteer points! Thank you for considering this important opportunity!
Cafeteria Helpers
We are in need of parent/grandparent volunteers who are dedicated to helping out a couple of times each month in the elementary cafeteria. These people will be in charge of setting up the tables, monitoring the lunchtime and helping students as needed, cleaning tables, changing trash bags after each group, and helping to put away the tables at the end of lunch. You can find more information about earning your Parent Volunteer Points by following this Sign Up Genius link.
Hot Lunch
Hot lunch will be available at the middle school on Wednesdays starting later in September. More information on the menu selections and prices will be coming soon. Until then – remember your middle school student will need to pack lunch everyday.
PE Shirts
If your child is going into 5th OR 6th grade, is new to HCMS, or simply missing their PE shirt, now is the time to order one! All middle school students MUST wear a school PE shirt for every PE class. Please complete one of the two Google Forms below by Thursday, August 22.
- 5th & 6th Grade Students: ALL parents must fill out THIS FORM. One PE shirt is included in the activity fee on your tuition statement, so no payment is necessary.
- 7th and 8th Grade Students (OPTIONAL): Please fill out THIS FORM if you wish to purchase an additional PE shirt. All shirts cost $8.00 and money should be brought to the middle school office.
Student Drop-off and Bus Loop Information
Please refer to this very important information in the Hudsonville Christian School Parent Handbook. Your cooperation with this traffic pattern is very important for the safety of our students, staff and parents.
- NO VEHICLES – except buses – are to use the circle drive in front of school from 7:00 a.m. – 8:00 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on school days.
- The student loading area for students being dropped off and/or picked up by vehicles other than buses, is on the east side of the middle school building.
- All traffic must enter and exit on Van Buren Street. The east driveway is for entering traffic only. Please use both lanes, and zipper merge into one lane as you near the parking lot. This is to avoid cars waiting on Van Buren Street.
- When dropping off or picking up students, please pull as far forward as possible to the corner/south end of the sidewalk along the parking lot. This helps keep the traffic flow moving.
- The second driveway is for exiting traffic. There is both a right and left turn lane exiting onto Van Buren Street.
- Parents may NOT drop their children off on the south side of Van Buren in front of school.
V5 Robotics – 7th and 8th grade students interested in participating in V5 robotics this year need to complete the sign-up process by August 23rd. A mandatory parent meeting will be held on August 26th and 27th, at 7pm and shouldn’t go any more than an hour. Meeting will be held in the Robotics Room at the Elementary (old band room). Please enter through the West Gym doors. Parents need to select one of the two sessions and plan to attend.
IQ Robotics – The 5th and 6th grade IQ robotics program has been pushed back a couple of months to align us with scheduling of other area schools. Tentative season schedule is November-February. Official sign-ups will be due in October, but students may sign up now.
Aerial Drones – Aerial Drone competition will be open to students in grades 5th-8th this year. Tentative season schedule is November-March. Official sign-ups will be due in October, but interested students may sign up now.
Click HERE to sign up for V5, IQ, or Aerial Drones. Don’t forget that parents volunteering as coaches can sign up to fulfill their Parent Club Volunteer points. No experience or robotics knowledge is necessary to volunteer as a coach. Robotics is a student-centered program and the adults are there to support the students. If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer at robotics@4hcs.org.