Seeing middle schoolers crying in the hallway is typically one of two things, they were injured physically, or they were injured emotionally. Although it doesn’t happen often, as I exited chapel last month, a group of students were crying and hugging each other in the hallway. I soon realized that they weren’t hurt, they had just experienced a powerful chapel at the conclusion of the middle school’s Spiritual Emphasis Week.

For five days we focused on the season of advent, culminating with a powerful Tuesday morning chapel. SEW was a week of exploring the four advent candles as we anticipated the climactic celebration of the Christ candle on Tuesday. Students arrived to a dark room, with music playing and the cross illuminated at the center of the gym. Singing songs of worship, reading Scripture passages on Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love, and teachers surrounding their students to audibly pray for them, turned the gym from a place of basketball games and PE, to a sacred place of worship. It was beautiful to see students raising their hands in praise, doing motions with the songs, and a few so moved they left the gym in tears.
While it is unrealistic that every chapel feels the same as this Tuesday, it was glorious to see how the Spirit led our worship that morning. Outward appearances and striving for a sense of belonging are such large parts of the middle school years, yet on this cold December morning, the Holy Spirit warmed the hearts of some students through a Spiritual Emphasis Week chapel.
Chris Achterhof
Middle School Principal
Early Release
This week Friday, January 17 is an early release day, with dismissal at 11:10 AM. Our staff will be engaged in valuable professional development during this afternoon. Hudsonville Public buses will run as normal but students riding Unity buses will need to arrange for transportation home.
End of Semester/Report Cards
This week Friday, January 17 marks the end of the first semester for our students. Report cards will be posted in RenWeb for students in 4 School – 8th Grade on Friday, January 24.
Early Childhood Exploration Night!
If you are interested in information about 3 School, 4 School, Nature-Based 4 School, Young 5s, or Kindergarten at HCS, mark your calendars for 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 30 to attend our Early Childhood Open House at the elementary school. At this meeting for parents, you will learn more about our Early Childhood and Kids’ Corner programs and also get to meet the teachers and visit classrooms. Please mark this date on your calendar and tell your friends and neighbors so they can join us!
Parent Teacher Conferences
This winter we are looking forward to conferences with our parents February 11 and 13, 2025. The goal of Parent/Teacher Conferences at our school is to focus on the child so that the parents and teachers support each other in the nurturing of each child. In the spirit of II Timothy 2:15 we continue this most important cause for our children and for the honor of God.
- School will be in session regular hours on all conference days.
- There will be no school for 3 School through Grade 8 on Friday, February 14
Elementary – NEW this year: parents will schedule their Y5 – 4th grade child(ren)’s conference(s) through a special email link, which will be provided to you next week. Directions to sign up through PTCFast will be provided, along with instructions on how to schedule your conference time with your child’s homeroom teacher.
Middle School – All Homeroom and Encore Teachers (5-8) will be available in the south gym to meet with parents in cafeteria-style conferences from 3:30 – 5:45 p.m. and from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. There are NO scheduled conference times for middle school students during the winter conference dates. The cafeteria-style meetings are meant to be short 7-10 minute discussions to allow all parents access to staff members in a timely manner. If you require a longer conference with a particular teacher, please be sure to connect with them via email or by calling the middle school office at 616-379-0338 to make this request and set up an individual conference on a different date and time.
Parents’ Club Board Update
Happy New Year from the PCB! As we wrapped up 2024, we continue to be thankful for all of the support parents provide to help HCS flourish. Last month we reflected on the successes of Love Bazaar, Conferences, and Teacher Support. We are now busy planning for next year and praying that volunteers continue to fill the needed positions. Many key volunteer positions will be open for next year so watch for those opportunities in the Spring! We look forward to blessing our teachers and staff with a staff appreciation week coming up March 10-14. Also, save the date for the HCS Society meeting on March 17 where the PCB will share more about the work we do!
HCS Auction
This year’s live Auction will be on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The 2025 Auction Committee is seeking donations of unique experiences (VIP tours, lessons, tickets, vacation spots, etc) to add to this year’s Auction! If you know of anyone who may be interested in giving back to our school in this fun and memorable way, please reach out to auction@4hcs.org. If you are interested in purchasing an item for the auction and need ideas, take a look at our Amazon Wish List!
HCS 3 on 3 Tournament
We are excited to partner with our community and host the second annual HCS 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 8, 2025. Watch the Home Communicator for registration coming soon!
Running Club Volunteers
The Boys With A Goal running club is looking for a few more volunteers to help at practices in March and April from 2:50-3:50 sign up HERE.
Moms In Prayer
We would love to invite you to pray with other moms for our children and our school. This week Friday Moms in Prayer will be meeting at the Middle School in the conference room across from the office from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Check in at the main office. We will be focused on praying for our Administrators along with the staff and students in the Early Childhood wing this week.
3 School and 4 School Conferences
Conferences for 3 School and 4 School will be held on January 27 & 28. There will be NO SCHOOL for 3 School and 4 School on January 27 or 28. Please watch your email to sign up for a conference time with your child’s teacher.
Kids’ Corner – January 27 & 28
Kids’ Corner will remain open on January 27 and 28 for those who are contracted for Kids’ Corner. Please email kidscorner@4hcs.org if your child will need care on those days.
Winter Gear
Children who attend Kids’ Corner will go outside every day. Please send your child with labeled winter gear to keep them warm!
This week Friday, January 17, Mrs. Epker’s 3rd grade class will lead the chapel from 10:00-10:25. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors.
Elementary Hot Lunch
The menu and other information on the Elementary Hot Lunch program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website.
Urgent Need – Recess Monitor Help
We are still in need of additional playground monitors for most days, especially before school on Wednesday and Thursday and snack recess on Thursday! If you are able to help please sign up here!
Art Show – Save the Date!
Mark your calendars for the Consuming Fire Art Show on Thursday, April 24 6:00-7:30. Every student from Y5-4th grade will have art displayed throughout the school, so you won’t want to miss it. We cannot wait to celebrate the artistic abilities in every student!
Students and staff will gather in the south gym for chapel from 7:55-8:25 AM on Tuesday and Friday. Parents are welcome to join us! If you would like to view the Middle School Chapels at a later time, you can also find recordings on our Vimeo channel- Chapel.
- Tuesday, January 14- Tyler Prough and Kara Helms leading chapel
- Friday, January 17 – no chapel (Early Release)
- Tuesday, January – Student Praise Team leading chapel
Hot Lunch
Hot lunch this week Wednesday will be DJ’s Pizza $2.50/ slice (ham/pepperoni).
Volunteer Opportunity
The middle school is looking for a few volunteers to help supervise students during their lunch breaks. Volunteers will wander hallways and outside supervising students to ensure safety and that breaks are going smoothly. For more information or to sign up click HERE.
Ski Club
Our next ski club outing will be next week Friday, January 24! A sign-up email will be sent out this week to all that had signed-up for ski club. If your child would like to attend please watch for the email and submit the sign-up form so that we can know how many buses will be needed. Their name must be on the sign-up in order to attend. We will be collecting money for lift tickets and rentals on Thursday, January 23 during morning and lunch break. Please be sure to MAKE CHECKS OUT TO BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT (not HCMS) or bring exact cash.
Upcoming dates: Feb. 7 & Feb. 24
Exploratory Week
Exploratory week will be happening January 27-31! Many of our HCMS staff members are offering classes for the students to further explore God’s world and creation in different ways during this week. Please know that for this week students will have an abbreviated regular class schedule in the morning and will have their exploratory classes in the late morning/afternoon.
7th Grade Winter Camp
The 7th graders will be going to winter camp Wednesday, January 29-Friday, January 31. Students are to arrive between 7:50-8am Wednesday January 29, and must be picked up promptly at 2pm Friday, January 31. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the school. We look forward to this time of fellowship and adventure for our 7th graders.
Awesome Arts Day
HCMS is hosting Awesome Arts Day on Friday, March 14. We are looking for more people to present 40 minute hands-on presentations in their area of expertise. Past presentations have focused on visual, performance, and literary arts. If you or someone you know may be interested and available from 8-10:30 am, please contact Sara Jager – sjager@4hcs.org.
Girls Basketball Camp
Unity Christian is pleased to offer a basketball camp for girls in 5th – 8th grades. This program will be held Saturday mornings on January 18, January 25, and February 1. Each session will teach fundamental basketball skills and provide team competition. Grades 5 & 6 will meet from 9:00 – 10:00 a.m., and grades 7 & 8 will meet from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. The cost to participate is $35 for 5th/6th and $45 for 7th/8th, and the deadline to register is January 15. Please go to https://unitychristianathletics.org/main/campsclinics/ for more information and an on-line registration link.
Unity Christian Flag Football for Boys Grades 2 – 7
Unity Christian will be hosting a Saturday afternoon Flag Football Camp on February 1, 8, 15, and 22 for boys in 2nd through 7th grades. Instruction will be given on basic skills, fundamentals, and rules of football, but most of the time will focus on playing flag football. No experience is necessary, and players of any level are encouraged to participate. Boys in 2nd-3rd will meet from 12 – 1 p.m., 4th-5th will meet from 1:15 – 2:15 p.m., and 6th-7th will meet from 2:30 – 3:30 p.m. Cost is $35, and the deadline to register is January 29. Online registration and a flyer with more information can be found at https://unitychristianathletics.org/main/campsclinics/.
Hudsonville Little League
Hudsonville Little League 2025 Spring Registrations are Open! Click HERE for more information.