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It is my hope that this summer can be a time to reset and a time of refreshment for students and families. A change of routine and pace will be good at many levels. If you need to contact us during the summer, the office in the elementary will be open every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 AM until 3 PM. The 2024-2025 school year will begin for Y5-8 on Wednesday, August 21 with a scheduled full day.

On behalf of the teachers and staff at Hudsonville Christian School, we thank you again for the opportunity to partner with you this year. As we look at the eighth grade class this year, we marvel at how God moves these young people to mature and grow through the years. Our continuing prayer is that they may continue their journey of growth in the knowledge and faith in Christ, and that they live it out in our community and the world.

In His service,

Devon K. Brinks


Last Day of School

The last day of school for grades Y5-7 will be this Friday, May 31. It will be a half day, dismissing at 11:10 AM. Kids’ Corner will close at 3:00 PM.

Final Report Cards for Grades Y5-8 

Final report cards for the school year will be available on RenWeb this Friday, May 31. If you need assistance accessing this information, please contact Terry Steenstra

August Newsletter 

This is the last Home Communicator for this school year! Be watching for our August newsletter which will be sent via email the first week of August! The newsletter will give you all the information you need to know about starting the new school year, it will introduce our school theme for the year and also include a link to class lists.

Unity Christian Busing 

May 24-30  Unity will run combined AM and PM routes. No shuttle will be provided. 

May 31 Unity will run combined AM routes, no PM busing will be provided. Students riding Unity buses must provide their own transportation on the last day of school, at 11:10 am. 

Summer Office Hours 

This summer, the administrative office and middle school office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Summer TRIP Schedule

TRIP will continue through the summer on the following Mondays from 4:30pm – 6:00pm in the Connector by the Admin Office (Door F): June 3 & 17, July 1, 15 & 29, August 12, 19 & 26.

2024-2025 HCS Theme T-Shirt Order

This fall all students in 3 School – 5th Grade will receive an HCS t-shirt to wear for field trips, chapels and other activities, no need to order! 6th -8th grade students are given the option to order one free of charge and parents, if you want to order a theme t-shirt for yourself, there is a cost of $6.00 each. To order a 2024-2025 HCS Theme T-Shirt for a 6th, 7th or 8th grade student or for yourself, fill out this form by May 30.

2024-2025 Robotics

Students interested in participating in V5 Robotics (entering 7th/8th grade) and/or Drones (entering 5th-8th)  are now able to sign up using this form. Signing up now helps us better plan over the summer for the anticipated number of students/teams in the fall.  We will reach out to families in the fall to confirm they are still planning on participating before placing students on teams.  If you have any questions, please email 

Camp Crazee Fun 2024

Mr. Los, our elementary PE teacher, invites all students entering 3rd – 8th grade to participate in Camp Crazee Fun June 3-6. Forms have been handed out to students and the form is also available HERE. Invite your friends and neighbors to join too! Camp is located in our West gym and includes all kinds of great group games.  Please turn the completed registration form in at the office by May 31.  Any questions email  Mr. Los at –

2024 Golf Outing 

HCS is committed to partnering with everyone who desires a Christian education for their family!  The HCS community makes this possible through the HCS tuition assistance fund.  PLEASE join us Monday, August 5 at Railside Golf Club for a fun day of golf where all proceeds go to our tuition assistance fund.  Morning and afternoon flights available.  We are also looking for corporate/individual sponsors for this event.  Click here or contact the golf outing committee at for more information.

Job Opportunities

Music Teacher 

The Middle School is looking for someone to teach two General Music classes next school year. Classes will be taught every other day after lunch (approximately 12:15-2:40) to 6th and 8th graders. This is a part time position.

Kids’ Corner After School Aide

Hudsonville Christian School is seeking applicants for after school Kids’ Corner child care aides for the 2024-2025 school year. We are looking for additional staff from 2:45-5:45 pm.  This is a great after school job for Unity students!  Interested applicants must have a love for God and His children, be 17 years old and enjoy working on a team.  If you are interested in the position, please reach out to Julie Moes at



All elementary students will gather in the west gym for chapel this Friday from 8:15-8:45 AM. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors. We will be praying over the 4th and 5th grade students as they prepare to enter middle school next year.

Elementary Hot Lunch 

The menu as well as other information on the Elementary Hot Lunch Program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website

Library Books

Please look around your house for misplaced library books and return them tomorrow! Thank you for helping your child return their books. 

School Shopping Lists for the 2024-2025 School Year

The list of supplies that are needed for students in Y5-4th grade for next year is available on our website

5th Grade Band & Orchestra sign-up

4th grade parents- If your child would like to participate in Band or Orchestra next year please complete the form noting which instrument they would like to play.  Contact the Middle school office with any questions at 616-379-0338 or Brian Knot – or Sara Jager –

Incoming 5th & 6th Grade Students/Parents Hot Lunch Survey

In Middle School, hot lunch is offered one day a week, on Wednesdays, beginning on September 18th. This is an optional opportunity for your child to purchase pizza, Chick Fil A, and Mr Burger Please look for a schedule at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year. A very important part of ‘how’ we make hot lunch work is student surveys on what they will and will not purchase. NEW THIS YEAR- Entering 5th and 6th grade students  must complete this survey with their parents. A paper copy is available that can be filled out and returned to the middle school office or emailed to Kim Racey at Please complete this survey even if you do not plan to participate in hot lunch. Forms must be filled out or returned by MAY 30, 2024

Lost and Found 

Our elementary lost and found is bursting with items. Please remind your child(ren) to check out these items in the hall by the lower elementary office to see if anything belongs to them. Parents please check out the lost and found when you are at school. All unclaimed items will be donated to REVIVE at the end of the school year.


Hot Lunch IOUs

Many students still have lunch IOUs to pay in the middle school office.  Please help your child get these taken care of before the end of the school year.

Lost and Found

Lost and Found tables are set out in the front office area of the Middle School building.  Please stop by and look for any items that belong to your child.  Anything left after the last day of school will be donated to Revive.

Current 6th Grade Students

Just a reminder, there are additional immunizations required for incoming 7th grade students prior to starting 7th grade next year.  An email with additional information including which immunizations are needed was sent out last week.  We wanted to give you a heads up so that you can keep this in mind when scheduling your child’s future appointments.  Contact the Middle school office with any questions 616-379-0338.


Parent Volunteering

Thank you for all you’ve done for the school this year! Volunteering not only helps our school, but it helps families get to know one another and creates a sense of family within our school community! Click HERE to access the SignUp Genius forms and Room Parent volunteer forms. Contact the Hudsonville Christian Parents’ Club Board with questions!

Auction Committee Members

The Parents Club Board is asking you to consider volunteering on the Auction committee! We are in need of at least 5 additional volunteers to help plan and facilitate the auction that will take place in the spring of 2025! This is an important event for our school and a great way to build community!  If you are willing to serve in this way click HERE to sign up! Questions? contact

Box Tops News for Walmart Shoppers!

Connect your Walmart and Box Tops accounts so you can earn cash for your school when you purchase Box Tops products in-store or online using your saved Walmart payment method — without scanning or submitting your receipts!

  • Download the Box Tops app or update to the latest version. In the app, go to your profile, then tap on “Connected Accounts” and select “Walmart.”
  • When prompted, sign into your Walmart account, (If you don’t have a Walmart account, you’ll be prompted to create one). Make sure to save a payment method to your Walmart account.
  • Your Walmart account is now connected to Box Tops, so your qualifying purchases made in-store and online with a saved payment method will earn for your school! Box Tops will be credited after you receive your Walmart items.


Revive News

Summer’s a Time for Something New!

As you anticipate a wonderful summer ahead, maybe you’d like to try something new and have a lot of fun doing it!  Revive would love to have you volunteer whenever it worked for you!  There are a variety of needs and many ways you can get involved to fit your preferences!  Specifically, we have a need for summer cashier help (on registers that are very user-friendly and include easy training).  We could also use help in the afternoons: sorting incoming clothing donations, hanging clothing on racks, and restocking the store floor with clothing.   Or want to try your hand at listing and helping us sell items online?  We could work with you on that too!  And that’s only the beginning of all the great ways to get involved!  Come check us out!

This invitation extends to almost any age: high schoolers, retirees, middle schoolers accompanied by an adult, a group of mom friends, guys and gals!  Stop by the store or contact us with any questions.  We’d love to show you around, explain the opportunities, and introduce you to our fun and friendly volunteer family!  Or check us out on Facebook, Instagram, our website (, or give us a call at 616-662-3375.  Make it a summer to smile about at Revive!

Take a TRIP to Revive!

Did you know Revive is on TRIP. (tuition reduction incentive program) with $25 gift cards @ a 10% tuition rebate?  If you aren’t already purchasing TRIP., be sure to ask your EOCS TRIP. coordinator how to place your first order this summer and start earning tuition credits!  Purchasing gift cards through TRIP. is a great way to put your money to good use and earn tuition credits.  Plus, when you shop Revive, you also support Revive’s overall cause of raising funds for Christian education!  It’s a win-win for our EOCS students!

Unity Christian Summer Sports Camps

Registration for Unity’s Summer Sports Camps for students ages 3 – 12th grade is now open!  The registration link and schedule of camps can be found at under “Camps & Clinics”.  Please contact Unity’s Athletic Office at 669-1820 or with any questions you may have!

Register by June 1 – Unity Christian Youth Football for Grades 3 – 8 

Registration for Unity Christian Youth Football is now open!  We will have 3rd/4th grade team(s), 5th/6th grade team(s), a 7th grade team, and an 8th grade team.  Practices for 3rd-6th grades will begin on August 12 and grades 7&8 will begin on August 19.  To plan accurately for the number of teams we will have in the fall, we ask that you register your player by June 1.  For more information and to register online, click HERE. Feel free to contact Unity’s Athletic Office at 669-1820 with any questions you may have!

Vacation Bible School – Fair Haven Church

We can’t wait to CELEBRATE with you at VBS this Summer!! We will learn more about Jesus through games, crafts, Bible stories and more! Register your party peeps grades PreK through 5th for an experience they’ll never forget on July 15-18 6:30-8:30PM. 

Arts Camp at Evergreen Ministries!

Elementary students entering 2nd Grade to 5th Grade are invited to join Evergreen Ministries on July 29th through August 1st  to explore “Under the Sea:  the Jonah experience!  Arts Camp is designed to explore our creative God through a variety of artistic opportunities, including visual, performing and culinary arts.  Camp will run from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm (please pack a lunch) from Monday, July 29th through Thursday, August 1st and is offered free of charge.  Registration opens June 1st – see under the Youth tab for registration and class information.  Contact for more details or to get involved in this great community event – volunteers are welcome!

Calvin University Football Camp

Calvin University Football is hosting its first ever youth football camp! Come learn the basic fundamentals of football, general movement skills and have a ton of fun! There are different sessions correlating to your age group. Please click HERE for more details. Direct all questions to 

Annual Saturday Slip n’ Slide

Mark your calendars and join us on Saturday, August 17 from 12pm-4pm for the Saturday Slip n’ Slide held at Rosewood Park in Jenison, MI.  Enjoy four giant slip n slides, dunk tanks, foam pit, sponsor tent, food vendors, and so much more! This is the perfect summer event with fun for the whole family!  We will see you this August! 


May 28
8th Grade Class Trip
May 28 and 30
7th Grade Field Trips
May 30
6th Grade Service Day
May 30
8th Grade Graduation at Fair Haven
May 31
Last Day of School - Early Release
May 31
Report Cards Posted
August 5
HCS Golf Outing
August 13
Playground Visit Days (Y5-4th)
August 19
Open House and Expo (Y5-8th grade)
August 21
First Day of School (Y5-8th grade)
August 21-23
Limited Busing PM
August 27-28
Preschool Visit Days (3S/4S/NB4S)
August 28
Preschool Family Kickoff Night
August 29
Middle School Mixers
August 30 - September 2
Labor Day Weekend (no school for students)
September 3
Preschool Begins