We often have students stop in the lower elementary office saying, “My tummy hurts.” I am blessed to have an incredible administrative assistant, Cindy Palmbos, in our office area. She knows that tummy aches can have many different sources and she works hard to get to the root of the issue. Often, the student is worried or anxious about something and the problem can be solved with a listening ear, a hug, and a good drink of water. Other times, a Tums tablet and the encouragement to press on is the magic solution.
Well, on the morning of September 16, I was the one with a nervous tummy. It was the first day of cafeteria-style eating for the elementary building. After hours and hours of planning and thinking through all the procedures, I knew that we were prepared, but kids can be unpredictable – especially in large groups! I didn’t sleep well the night before. As I tossed and turned, I had dreams of food flying through the air and children running rampant in the gym while I chased them and tried to get them to stop and actually eat their lunches. Yikes! Was this actually even going to work?

Thankfully, none of those dreams came true. As the first group of 1st and 2nd graders entered the gym, sat down at their assigned tables, and started eating and chatting with each other, I breathed a little sigh of relief. It was working!
We’ve now been eating lunch in the cafeteria for two weeks and, while there have been a few challenges we’ve had to work through, it has been a great experience! I love hearing kids talk about the discussion question of the day with their table mates and seeing them practicing the manner of the month (September’s manner: eating over the table). It’s really wonderful to see the students getting out of their classrooms for a short time and gathering as a community to share a meal together. Near the end of the lunch period, a praise song plays to remind them they need to finish up their food and start cleaning up. We’re still working on being quieter and actually eating during that time, but seeing kids start spontaneously singing along or doing the motions to the song and praising God in the moment has made my heart so happy.
There is no way we could make this whole experience work without the help of so many parent and grandparent volunteers, our amazing HCS staff, and our hardworking custodians, Randy Nauta and Bob Wagner. I am so thankful for their teamwork and help! We could still use a few more volunteers, so if you’re interested in joining our little lunch community and helping out a couple times a month, please reach out!
Serving Him together,
Tricia Kiepert
Elementary Principal
Harvest Family Fun Day
This Saturday, October 5th, from 3-5 is our Harvest Family Fun Event! Plan on attending rain or shine. Even if you cannot come the entire time, feel free to stop in anytime between 3 and 5. The event is held on the basketball courts behind the early childhood wing. Parking is available in the bus loop parking lot. You may also park on Oak Street. Volunteers will be stationed at both the bus loop parking entrance, or if you enter from Oak Street (walk alongside school) to get you checked into the event. If it rains, the event will be held in the West gym and communicated by Friday afternoon. There will be a small cost of $5 per child, cash or checks are accepted. (No charge for adults, but donation boxes will be available.) Cotton Candy/donuts and cider/popcorn, bounce house, tons of fun games and prizes! If you have a cinch sack/backpack you are encouraged to bring it with you to use for prizes.
Volunteers: Please check your email (or spam folder). Instructions will be sent by Friday afternoon with what to expect the day of, as well as any communication concerning a change in location due to weather.
We still need your donations! Please bring the following to the elementary main connector by October 4. These items are given away as prizes at 2 of our games.
- Preschool – Grade 3: One or more boxes of cereal
- Grade 4th – 8th: 12 pack of pop
Grandparents’ Day – October 18
We are excited to invite our grandparents or special friends to join us for our Grandparents’ Day celebration on Friday, October 18. Parents of students in Young 5s-8th grade were sent an email with event information yesterday. To ensure that our grandparents receive all the details, we ask that you forward that message to them. All of the Grandparents’ Day information can also be found on our website.
Parking Attendant Volunteers – We are in need of a few more volunteers to help with parking at the elementary building on Grandparents’ Day! If you would be willing to help please sign up HERE!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 12 & 14 for students in Young 5s – 8th Grade. Forms are being sent home with students. Please return the sheet to school by Friday, October 11. You will be notified of your conference time(s) by mail in three to four weeks. Childcare will be available during your conference time. School will be in session regular hours on both conference days. There will be no school for 3 School through 8th Grade on Friday, November 15. Kids’ Corner will also be closed on that day. Thank you!
Yearbook Order
Now is the time to order the HCS yearbook for your student! Orders are taken now for the all-color yearbook that students will receive in May 2024. The cost is $25 per yearbook and you must purchase it online through Herff-Jones at www.YearbookOrderCenter.com. You must enter our school order number that is 3469. Please note that you must order online by Friday, November 1.
Moms in Prayer
Moms in Prayer invites you to come join us in prayer Friday, Oct 4. This week we will be meeting in the conference room at the middle school building from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Please check in at the main office. We will be focused on praying for the staff that ministers to and teaches the precious first and second grade students. See you there!
All elementary students will gather in the west gym for chapel on Friday from 10:00-10:25 AM. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors.
Elementary Hot Lunch
Information on the Elementary Hot Lunch program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website.
Volunteer at the Elementary
Playground Volunteers
We are in need of volunteers to help cover the elementary playground during recess. We especially need help on Wednesday mornings before school. For more information or to sign up follow this Sign Up Genius link. Thank you for considering this important opportunity!
Cafeteria Helpers
The new cafeteria style lunch has been a success! Thank you so much to those who have signed up to help! We are still in need of a few more parent/grandparent volunteers who are dedicated to helping out two or three times each month in the elementary cafeteria. These people will be in charge of setting up the tables, helping students as needed, cleaning tables, changing trash bags after each group, and helping to put away the tables at the end of lunch. The time frame is from 10:45-12:45. Sign up or find more information by following this Sign Up Genius link.
Students and staff will gather in the south gym for chapel from 7:55-8:25 AM on Tuesday and Friday. Parents are welcome to join us! If you would like to view the Middle School Chapels at a later time, you can also find recordings on our Vimeo channel- Chapel.
- Tuesday, October 1 – Staff Praise Team leading chapel
- Friday, October 4 – Ritsema 7th Grade Leading chapel
- Tuesday, October 8 – Matt Koets leading chapel
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch this Wednesday, October 2 will be Pizza Ranch Pizza (cheese or bacon) $2.50/slice. Click HERE for the complete menu schedule and information.
Donuts will be sold at break this Friday, October 4 for $1.25 each.
5th Grade Girls & Mothers
Mothers/other trusted females, please plan to attend the 5th Grade Girls Sex Ed. night with your daughter TONIGHT, October 1. An email was previously sent out with an invitation and additional information. This informative evening will be taking place at 7:00 pm in the Middle School Orchestra room. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out.
Band Choir Orchestra Concert
The combined Band, Orchestra, Choir concert will be held at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at Fair Haven Church. More details will be coming soon!
Attention 8th Graders
Do you enjoy board games? We need 8th graders to help us coach the younger kids that have signed up for Math Pentathlon. The commitment is every Tuesday after school for 1 hour, from October 8 to December 17. Please call or text Leslie Knoper to sign up (616) 325-5790.
The Robotics season for the IQ program (5th/6th grade) and Aerial Drones (5th-8th grade) will be starting soon!
The IQ season will be starting at the beginning of November with sign ups due by October 11th. If you signed up already, you should have received an email already confirming and there is no need to sign up again. New this year we will be running a Pre-Season Camp for those who are new to the IQ program. This will be a 2-day camp, October 7th and 9th, from 3:00-4:30 pm in the Robotics Room. This is not required to participate in the Robotics season but recommended for those who have not participated in the past.
The Drone season will also be starting in November with flexible practice times to help accommodate the students doing both Robotics and Drones. Sign ups are due by October 11th.
- Schedule of events
- Add the calendar to your phone or mail program
- Sign up for IQ and/or Drones
- Sign up for the IQ Pre-Season Camp
Questions? Please contact Jennifer at robotics@4hcs.org
Mom-to-Mom Sale
Join us Saturday, October 5, for the annual Jenison Christian School Mom-to-Mom Consignment Sale! Shop our conveniently sorted sale to find great deals on gently used children’s clothing (size infant through teen), maternity clothing, baby items, books, games, toys, and sports equipment. The sale will run from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, and then close briefly before re-opening at 12:30 for a 15 minute grab bag sale (a big hit last year!). You will be able to purchase a paper grocery bag for $10 that you can fill with items remaining at the sale.
Internet Safety Workshop
Attention Parents and Students (6th Grade and Up)! The Rush Creek and Grand Valley Cadet Councils are excited to invite you to a special workshop on Internet Safety with expert Al Vandenbosch. The event will take place on October 10 at 7:00 PM at Messiah Christian Reformed Church, 2900 Springdale St, Hudsonville, MI 49426. Al Vandenbosch, who works for Ottawa County, will help you understand the dangers that our children face when they are on the internet. Join us as we all learn about these dangers, the consequences of decisions, and how to protect children. This workshop will cover essential topics such as safe browsing habits, identifying and avoiding online scams, protecting personal information, and cyberbullying prevention. This event is open to all students in 6th grade and higher, and it is not limited to boys—everyone is welcome. No registration is necessary—just come as you are! We look forward to seeing you there!
Heritage Christian School 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
The annual Heritage 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024. Gather your teams and sign up at the following link: 3on3 Registration. Sign up deadline is October 12.