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The other day, I was able to spend some time in a 3 School classroom in the afternoon. At that time, the class was just finishing up their snack and they had the opportunity to spend a few minutes quietly looking at a book. One little boy rushed over to grab a book when he finished his snack. Another little boy was SO disappointed when he got to the book shelf and that book was already taken! He broke down in tears, and his teacher gently helped him find a different book to look at. A moment later, the little boy with the prized book walked over and handed the book to the sad little boy and said, “Here! You can have a turn with the book!” His teacher stooped next to him and said, “Wow! You just showed Jesus’ love to your friend!  Thank you!”  

What a privilege to help teach these little ones how to love like Jesus!

Our staff is working through the book Dear Parent: A Guide for Family Faith Formation by Laura and Robert Keeley. In chapter 1, the Keeleys reminded us that, 

“Faith formation is more about small moments that build up over time than it is about any one particular talk you have with your kids.” p. 13

I am so thankful for a school that takes time to help build our students’ faith in these little moments. We have the privilege to partner with families and point out the work that God is doing. Whether we are young or old, we are all learning to love like Jesus. It is my prayer that these little moments will be a part of a lifelong journey of faith and trust in our Lord and Savior!  

In Him,

Julie Moes
Early Childhood Director



The policy on Halloween at HCS is that we do nothing to support it in classroom activities or decorations. 

Report Cards

The first nine-week marking period ended on Wednesday, October 23.  Report cards will be posted to RenWeb on Friday, November 1 for students in 1st-8th grade. If you are not able to access the report card by computer or must have a hard copy, please call the elementary office at 616-669-6689 or middle school office at 616-379-0338.  If you experience problems or have questions about accessing this information through RenWeb, please contact Terry Steenstra at

Last Chance to Order a 2024-2025 Yearbook! 

Now is the time to order the HCS yearbook for your student!  Orders are taken now for the all-color yearbook that students will receive in May 2025.  The cost is $25 per yearbook and you must purchase it online through Herff-Jones at  You must enter our school order number that is 3469.  Please note that you must order online by Friday, November 1.

Parent/Teacher Conferences 

Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for November 12 & 14 for students in Young 5s – 8th Grade. You will be notified of your conference time(s) by mail. Childcare will be available during your conference time. School will be in session regular hours on both conference days.  There will be no school for 3 School through 8th Grade on Friday, November 15. Kids’ Corner will also be closed on that day. Thank you! 

Moms in Prayer

Moms in Prayer are moms who love to get together and bring all our praises and concerns before our Heavenly Father. In prayer, we know that we are not alone and that gives us reassurance and hope. On Friday, Nov. 1 we will be meeting at the Elementary School from 8:00-9:00 a.m. Check in at the main office and they will direct you where to go. We will be focused on praying for the staff and students in 7th and 8th grade this week.  Join us in praying for these loved students!



All elementary students will gather in the west gym for chapel each Friday from 10:00-10:25 AM. Mrs. Van Kley’s 2nd grade class will be leading chapel this week Friday, November 1. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors. 

Elementary Hot Lunch 

The menu and other information on the Elementary Hot Lunch program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website

Lost and Found 

Parents – please check out the lost and found when you are at school and remind your child(ren) to check for their lost items in the hall by the lower elementary office.



Students and staff will gather in the south gym for chapel from 7:55-8:25 AM on Tuesday and Friday. Parents are welcome to join us!  If you would like to view the Middle School Chapels at a later time, you can also find recordings on our Vimeo channel- Chapel.  

  • Tuesday, October 29 – Matt Borst leading chapel 
  • Friday, November 1 – Student Praise Team leading chapel
  • Tuesday, November 5 – 7th grade Homeroom  leading chapel

Special Hot Lunch 

Hot lunch this week will be McDonalds for those that pre-ordered.  McDonald’s Cheeseburgers and Fries for $4.50.  Click HERE for the complete hot lunch menu schedule and information.


​​Parents’ Club Board – Open Meeting

As a parent/guardian of a student at HCS you are a part of the Parents’ Club!  The Parents’ Club Executive Board (PCB) hosts a “General Assembly” meeting to provide updates and information specific to Parents’ Club support services, events and fundraisers. You are welcome to attend this meeting on Friday, November 8 from 8:00 am-8:30 am in the elementary west conference room. 

Love Bazaar

Can we get a WHOOP WHOOP!! Love Bazaar 2024 is on the calendar! That’s right, the big day is December 6! We are kicking off the great CHRISTmas Season with this fun day for the kids Preschool-4th Grade to shop for their families! If you signed up to volunteer this year, please check your email soon for important information regarding how your shift will look. Also, be sure to find a replacement if you are no longer able to fulfill your shift.


Cross-train Volleyball Clinic

Cross-train Volleyball is offering a Girls Volleyball Clinic for 4th-8th grade girls on November 9th and 16th in the HCS West Gym.   The clinic will focus on fundamental skill development and match play.  The clinic is led by Hope Hoezee, Unity Christian Varsity Assistant Coach and Coordinator of Cross-train Volleyball. Click HERE to print the registration form. The deadline to register is this Friday, November 1.

The Cross-train Volleyball League

The Cross-train Volleyball League offers local 5-8th grade girls the opportunity to improve their volleyball skills in a nine week league.   Experienced coaches facilitate fundamental skill development, position training, and team play in a  faith-based environment.  Format includes weekly practices and four match dates.  The league is coordinated by Hope Hoezee, Unity Christian Varsity Volleyball Assistant.  The league runs January 21-March 22, evaluations are January 7 and 9.  Space is limited. Please see the attached paperwork for the registration links and a schedule.  Registration opens November 9th via SignUpGenius (participants must register via SignUpGenius first and then send in paperwork). Email with questions.  

Boys Saturday Basketball Program

Unity Christian is pleased to offer a Saturday Basketball program for boys in grades 4 – 6.  This program will be held on November 9, 16, 23 and December 7 & 14.  Each session will teach fundamental basketball skills and provide team competition.  Fourth grade boys will meet from 9:00 – 10:00 am, and 5th/6th graders will meet from 10:15 – 11:45 am.  The cost to participate is $45 for 4th grade and $55 for 5th/6th grades, and the deadline to register is November 1.  To register go to this link.  An information sheet with more details can be found at 

Fall Arts and Crafts Festival 

You are invited to attend Jenison Christian’s annual Fall Arts & Crafts Festival at the school on Saturday, November 2 from 9:00 am – 2:00 pm. Find unique handmade art, jewelry, baked goods, gifts and more! Admission is free. For more information or vendor inquiries contact craftshow@jenisonchristianorg 

When God’s Story Becomes Your Story

Please join us Saturday, November 2, for a Biblical Theology Workshop with Nancy Guthrie. 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at First Byron CRC, 8541 Byron Center Ave SW, Byron Center. To register and for more information go to and click under workshops. You may also email with any questions!


November 1
Report Cards Posted
November 12 & 14
Y5-8th Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 15
No School
November 27-29
Thanksgiving Break
December 2
Elementary Christmas Celebration at Fair Haven Church
December 2-6
Middle School Spiritual Emphasis Week
December 5
Orchestra Christmas Concert at Jenison Fine Arts Center
December 6
Elementary Love Bazaar
December 9
Band and Choir Christmas Concert at Fair Haven Church
December 13
Early Release
December 23- January 5
Christmas Break