When it was decided that our theme would be Consuming Fire for the 2024-2025 school year, I was instantly taken back to August 8, 2023. I was on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Hawaii with friends and it was our first full day in Maui. When we left our hotel that morning, it didn’t even cross our minds that we wouldn’t return to that hotel room and that all of our belongings would have to be shipped to us a month later.

August 8, 2023, was the day of the Maui wildfires. Those wildfires were all consuming. The devastation left in their paths was unimaginable. But, out of the ashes came such beauty. My friends and I spent the next three nights sleeping on the floor of a tiny church, Pukalani Community Church of the Nazarene, where we witnessed God’s goodness, grace, and an outpouring of love like we had never seen before.
Watching this small church care for us and their community was overwhelming and it reminded me of our students at Hudsonville Christian. When a child is hurt on the playground, students will make sure that child is cared for. When someone is crying, students will offer hugs and a shoulder to cry on. When there is death, students will make cards of encouragement and reminders of the promise of Heaven. When there is sickness, students will storm the gates of heaven in prayer for healing. Students at Hudsonville Christian know what it looks like to create beauty from ashes. Our prayer for our students this year is for God’s fire to grow in their hearts and minds so they will be able to spread His love like wildfire.
In Him,
Mary Jo Staal
Elementary Media Specialist and Nurturing Faith Coordinator
Early Release
This week Friday, September 20 is an early release day, with dismissal at 11:10 AM. Our staff will be engaged in valuable professional development during this afternoon. Hudsonville Public buses will run as normal but students riding Unity buses will need to arrange for transportation home.
Grandparents’ Day – October 18
We are excited to invite our grandparents or special friends to join us for our Grandparents’ Day celebration on Friday, October 18. Parents of students in Young 5s-8th grade were sent an email with event information yesterday. To ensure that our grandparents receive all the details, we ask that you forward that message to them. All of the Grandparents’ Day information can also be found on our website. Due to limited space and parking we ask that parents refrain from attending the Grandparents’ Day events and chapel. We invite you to join us via livestream or watch the chapel at a later time. Thank you for your cooperation and for helping us create a wonderful experience for our students and their guests!
Math Pentathlon
Does your child enjoy playing games? Each year HCS students in grades 1-7 meet on Tuesdays to learn games and develop problem-solving skills. Students of all math abilities are welcome. Payment and registration forms are due by Tuesday, September 24. Student discounts available for parents volunteering as a coach. The parent/coach training is October 1 at 6:30pm. Click HERE for more information and to register. Questions? Call Kim Honore’ 616-893-9197 or Leslie Knoper 616-325-5790.
Moms in Prayer
The Moms in Prayer group meets at HCS on Fridays, 8:00-9:00 a.m., and we alternate between the elementary and middle school buildings each week. Come pray with us when you can, both spoken and unspoken prayers are welcome! Friday, Sept. 20 we’ll meet in the conference room across from the office at the Middle School. We will be praying specifically for our Early Childhood staff, faculty, and students. Please check in at the office. We can’t wait to see you there!
All elementary students will gather in the west gym for chapel on Friday from 10:00-10:25 AM. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors.
Elementary Hot Lunch
Information on the Elementary Hot Lunch program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website.
Elementary Playground Volunteers
We are in need of volunteers to help cover the elementary playground during recess! Having additional adults on the playground helps keep our kids safe. Please check out this Sign Up Genius link to sign up and earn volunteer points! Thank you for considering this important opportunity!
Elementary Cafeteria Helpers
Thank you so much to those who have signed up to help with the cafeteria! We are still in need of a few more parent/grandparent volunteers who are dedicated to helping out two or three times each month in the elementary cafeteria. These people will be in charge of setting up the tables, helping students as needed, cleaning tables, changing trash bags after each group, and helping to put away the tables at the end of lunch. The time frame is from 10:45-12:45 to cover three different lunch periods. Sign up or find more information about earning your parent volunteer points by following this Sign Up Genius link.
Students and staff will gather in the south gym for chapel from 7:55-8:25 AM each Tuesday and Friday. Parents are welcome to join us! If you would like to view the Middle School chapels at a later time, you can find the recordings on our Vimeo channel- Chapel.
- Tuesday, September 17 – Tyler Prough
- Friday, September 20 – no chapel (early release)
Hot Lunch
Our first hot lunch day is this Wednesday, September 18th! Jet’s Pizza will be served for $2.50/slice. Click HERE for the complete menu schedule and information. Please keep in mind that hot lunch is an option, it is not mandatory. Please also note that we only keep a limited amount of cash on hand, it makes it much easier if students have small bills. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the hot lunch program please contact Kim or Lori.
Boys Basketball sign-ups
An email was sent out to parents of all 7th & 8th grade boys with information about basketball signups. If your child is interested in participating make sure to sign him up!
Come out and support our school at the annual show this Saturday, September 21 from 9am to 2pm at the Hudsonville Fairgrounds. This will be your one stop shop! Come and get your donut, grab some lunch and shop our 150+ vendors. Tickets are $3; kids 12 and under free. Strollers are welcome. VIP tickets are available that will allow you early entry at 8:15am before the crowds. The VIP passes also include a shopping bag full of local business coupons. There are only 100 available so get yours soon; visit the Septemberfest Facebook page for more information! Cost for VIP bags is $10. Please help us spread the word by finding us on Facebook, liking it, and sharing us with your friends. Search Septemberfest Arts and Craft Show on Facebook. We can not wait to see you all there!
Harvest Family Fun Day
We are getting so excited for this fun-filled afternoon, and would love to see all the HCS preschool through 8th graders, and parents come out for an afternoon of food, fun and community! October 5th 3:00-5:00 Plan on attending rain or shine. Outside it is held on the tar behind the early education wing. (Inside would be in the West Gym) Fantastic prizes and fun games like the pumpkin walk, basketball free throw, cereal walk, plinko, bounce house. Donuts, cider, popcorn, cotton candy. Even if you cannot come the entire time please stop by anytime between 3 and 5. There will be a small cost of $5 per child (adults are free). Questions or concerns? Please email jenniwalters@sbcglobal.net
We could use more help! Do you have an 8th grader or high schooler that would like to run a game? Please go to the sign up genius page for our event! Thank you to the volunteers that have signed up! Please watch your inbox (or check your spam folder) for incoming email communications over the next few weeks regarding the event!
We are asking families with a preschooler-3rd grader to donate a box of cereal. Families with a 4th through 8th grader, we are asking for a 12 pk of pop. These are used as prizes for 2 of our games. If you want to look for them on sale and hang onto them until the week before the event. There will be a spot for these donations to go, watch the home communicator for details.
Mom-to-Mom Sale
Join us Saturday, October 5, for the annual Jenison Christian School Mom-to-Mom Consignment Sale! Shop our conveniently sorted sale to find great deals on gently used children’s clothing (size infant through teen), maternity clothing, baby items, books, games, toys, and sports equipment. The sale will run from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, and then close briefly before re-opening at 12:30 for a 15 minute grab bag sale (a big hit last year!). You will be able to purchase a paper grocery bag for $10 that you can fill with items remaining at the sale.
Internet Safety Workshop
Attention Parents and Students (6th Grade and Up)! The Rush Creek and Grand Valley Cadet Councils are excited to invite you to a special workshop on Internet Safety with expert Al Vandenbosch. The event will take place on October 10 at 7:00 PM at Messiah Christian Reformed Church, 2900 Springdale St, Hudsonville, MI 49426. Al Vandenbosch, who works for Ottawa County, will help you understand the dangers that our children face when they are on the internet. Join us as we all learn about these dangers, the consequences of decisions, and how to protect children. This workshop will cover essential topics such as safe browsing habits, identifying and avoiding online scams, protecting personal information, and cyberbullying prevention. This event is open to all students in 6th grade and higher, and it is not limited to boys—everyone is welcome. No registration is necessary—just come as you are! We look forward to seeing you there!
Heritage Christian School 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
The annual Heritage 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2024. Gather your teams and sign up at the following link: 3on3 Registration. Sign up deadline is October 12th.
A Weekend Away, A World of Difference
JH Outback Grand Rapids is an adventure packed weekend that is life-changing for parents and their teen children. Immersed in an undistracted environment that focuses on building connection and communication to last a lifetime!! You will bond through shared goals, challenges and a deeper understanding of life purpose and biblical values. September 27-29, 2024 at TimberWolf Lake Lodge in Lake City, Michigan. Sign up at www.jhoutback.com.