Let’s take a poll. When you are bundling up to go out in the cold, do you:
- Prefer your gloves or mittens to go over the cuffs of your coat sleeves?
- Prefer your gloves or mittens to be tucked into the cuffs of your coat sleeves?
This might seem like an inconsequential decision, but in the early elementary years, the choices our students make with their winter gear can make or break a recess. When one takes playing in the snow seriously, it is important to make an impenetrable barrier between the snow and bare skin!
The other day, I was in the hallway chatting with one of our 2nd grade teachers while her students were getting ready for recess. Every once in a while, she had a student come to her for help and she would say things like, “You like your mittens over your coat, don’t you?” and, “Let me help you tuck those mittens inside your sleeves.” At first, it took me by surprise that she knew each student’s mitten preference, but it shouldn’t have. After all, she does this every day. She spends every school day with these children and knows much more about them than their mitten preferences. She knows all about their interests outside of school, their pets, their families, their reading goals, their gifts in math, their heart for others, and the ways they reflect Jesus in their lives. Our teachers do an incredible job of building relationships with their students and truly getting to know who they are as children of God.
But our students are not only known and loved by their teachers. At HCS, we get to share the good news that each one of them is truly known and fully loved just as they are by a God who knows them intimately, inside and out. When students are known by their teachers, they feel a sense of belonging in their classroom and at school. When students understand that they are known and loved by God, they know that they belong to His family!
Psalm 139:1-6
1 You have searched me, Lord,
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you, Lord, know it completely.
5 You hem me in behind and before,
and you lay your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
In His Service,
Tricia Kiepert
Elementary Principal
Limited Busing
On February 10 & 11 Hudsonville Public School busing will be limited in the morning and afternoon. The following buses will run their regular route: 57, 60, and 78 AM/10 PM. If your HPS bus number is not mentioned in this limited busing list, you will need to provide your own transportation to and from school on this date. Unity bus routes will run as normal.
Parent Teacher Conferences
This winter we are looking forward to conferences with our parents February 11 and 13, 2025. The goal of Parent/Teacher Conferences at our school is to focus on the child so that the parents and teachers support each other in the nurturing of each child. In the spirit of II Timothy 2:15 we continue this most important cause for our children and for the honor of God.
- School will be in session regular hours on all conference days.
- There will be no school for 3 School through Grade 8 on Friday, February 14
Elementary – NEW this year: Parents received an email which included directions and a link to sign-up for their conference time(s) through PTCFast. Scheduling will close at midnight on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. You will not be able to sign up online after that time. Those not signed up will be assigned a conference time. If you are not available on either night of conferences, please inform your child’s teacher so a conference can be arranged for another time and so the office staff won’t schedule on the 11th or 13th.
Our specialists will be available both evenings with the exception of a few teachers. Mrs. Kruyf (Music), Mrs. Remy (SOAR), and Mrs. Kamp (School Counselor) will be available Thursday, February 13 only.
As a courtesy to our parents, we will once again offer complementary childcare for potty-trained children ages 3 through 4th grade for your child(ren)’s conference time. Please sign them in at the east gym five minutes before your scheduled conference.
Middle School – There are NO scheduled conference times for middle school students during the winter conference dates. All Homeroom and Encore teachers (grades 5-8) will be available in the south gym to meet with parents in cafeteria-style conferences from 3:30 – 5:45 p.m. and from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Part time Staff will be available following days:
Tuesday-Sara Jager, Jenn Velzen, Jen Large and Brian Knot (starting at 4:15)
Thursday- Laura Mast
The cafeteria-style meetings are meant to be short 7-10 minute discussions to allow all parents access to staff members in a timely manner. If you require a longer conference with a particular teacher, please be sure to connect with them via email or by calling the middle school office at 616-379-0338 to make this request and set up an individual conference on a different date and time.
Employment Opportunities
If you are interested in joining the dynamic staff at Hudsonville Christian School, there are employment opportunities for the coming 2025/2026 school year. If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more, please visit our website.
Moms In Prayer
Friday morning from 8:00-9:00 moms will be joining together to pray in room 28 at elementary. We’ll be coming before the throne of grace on behalf of the third and fourth graders and their teachers. The Moms in Prayer group would love to have you join us, there’s room for you! Please check in at the office.
Staff Appreciation Week March 10-14
All HCS Parents AND Students: Since we certainly appreciate our HCS Teachers and Staff, the Parents’ Club Board would like to invite all HCS parents and students to express your appreciation for them during the week of March 10-14!
HCS Auction
This year’s live Auction will be on Saturday, March 1, 2025. The 2025 Auction Committee is seeking donations of unique experiences (VIP tours, lessons, tickets, vacation spots, etc) to add to this year’s Auction! If you know of anyone who may be interested in giving back to our school in this fun and memorable way, please reach out to auction@4hcs.org. If you are interested in purchasing an item for the auction and need ideas, take a look at our Amazon Wish List!
Calling all Bakers!
Every year our school community helps out by donating delicious baked goods to sell at the auction. If you have the gift of baking and want to donate a dessert, please drop off your item on Friday, February 28 or Saturday morning, March 1, to the HCS West Gym. All decadent desserts will be available to purchase for $25 at the auction on March 1st, but come early because they won’t last long! Questions? Email Auction@4hcs.org
HCS Auction Tuition Raffle – Don’t miss out!
Wouldn’t it be a DREAM to have a $0 tuition cost for ONE WHOLE YEAR? Buy raffle tickets now (1 for $25 or 5 for $100!) at https://2025hcsauction.cbo.io and you might just have your wish come true! Winner announced at the LIVE AUCTION on Saturday, March 1st (winner does not have to be present to win).
HCS 3 on 3 Tournament
We are excited to partner with our community and host the second annual HCS 3 on 3 basketball tournament on March 8, 2025. Visit the event webpage for tournament rules and team registration information!
Summer Hiking Trips
If you are interested in the annual summer hiking trips, save these dates! The Manistee hike will be June 26-28 and the U.P. hike will be July 23-26. Information and sign ups will come late February.
Tuition Assistance – FACTS Program
Hudsonville Christian will again be participating in FACTS, a grant application program. Families who wish to apply for tuition assistance will need to use the FACTS application format online via their confidential website. The application fee will be paid by HCS. The FACTS organization will analyze the information of each applicant. Through FACTS, HCS has the ability to more evenly distribute available tuition assistance funds based upon factual information the families provide in the application. Please note that any additional information provided in the comments section at the end of the application is very helpful when making the decision for distribution.
Parents who have children in more than one EOCS school need only to fill out the application one time — the information will be available to the schools where their children attend. The FACTS online website application is available now. Please contact FACTS at 1-866-315-9262 with any questions. The deadline for submitting this application is March 31. For registration please go to www.factsmgt.com.
Early Childhood Enrollment
Early Childhood enrollment is NOW OPEN! We will have an open enrollment window until February 6, and classes will be formed on February 7. You will be notified about class placement at the beginning of March! You may visit our website for additional information on our early childhood classes. If you have any questions, you may reach out to Julie Moes, our Early Childhood Director, at jmoes@4hcs.org.
This week Friday, February 7, Mrs. Neher’s 2nd grade class will lead chapel from 10:00-10:25. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors.
Elementary Hot Lunch
The menu and other information on the Elementary Hot Lunch program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website.
This week Friday morning students will have the opportunity to purchase freshly baked chocolate chip cookies for $.25 each (limit 4).
Valentine’s Day Celebrations
As part of an ongoing effort to support our many students with dietary restrictions, we will continue to celebrate Valentine’s Day with activities that avoid candies and treats this year in Preschool-4th grade. Making this adjustment is a gift to many in our community. Thank you for partnering with us and with one another. Keep an eye out for more information from your child’s teacher about specific instructions for classroom celebrations.
Campers, Get Ready for Camp Firehawk!
Attention all adventurers! “Pack your gear” and save the dates for an unforgettable experience at Camp Firehawk on March 14 and 15 at HCS. This year’s Annual Father/Daughter and Mother/Son Nights are calling all Kindergarten through 4th-grade campers for a night of fun and excitement.
On Friday, March 14, the girls take center stage for Ladies Night at Camp Firehawk, then, on Saturday, March 15, it’s Lumberjack Night for the boys. Bring a special adult, dress for the theme, and get ready for games, laughter, and special moments around the campfire. Official invites will be sent home with your camper in the next few weeks. We can’t wait to welcome all our adventurers to Camp Firehawk!
Recess Monitor Help
We are still in need of additional playground monitors for most days, especially before school on Wednesday and Thursday and snack recess on Thursday! If you are able to help please sign up here!
Students and staff will gather in the south gym for chapel from 7:55-8:25 AM on Tuesday and Friday. Parents are welcome to join us! If you would like to view the Middle School Chapels at a later time, you can also find recordings on our Vimeo channel- Chapel.
- Tuesday, February 4 – Mrs. Mast/Mrs. Kamper leading chapel
- Friday, February 7 – Dan Landstra leading chapel
- Tuesday, February 11 -Breakfast Club – 8th grade
Hot Lunch
Hot lunch this week is Mr. Burger burgers $4.50 each (burger/cheeseburger)
This week Friday morning students will have the opportunity to purchase freshly baked chocolate chip cookies for $.25 each (limit 4).
After School Parent Pick-up Reminder
Students MUST wait on the sidewalk for their parents to pull up and pick them up after school. No one should be walking through traffic out to the field/fence area to bypass the wait and meet up with their vehicle in line. This is a serious safety concern so please follow these guidelines. Thanks for your understanding.
Volunteer Opportunity
The middle school is looking for a few volunteers to help supervise students during their lunch breaks. Volunteers will wander hallways and outside supervising students to ensure safety and that breaks are going smoothly. For more information or to sign up click HERE.
EOCS Band Concert
The EOCS Band Concert will be held at Fair Haven Ministries this Thursday, February 6th at 7:00 pm. Students should arrive by 6:40 wearing the usual black and white attire.
Ski Club
Our next ski club outing will be this week Friday, February 7! An email to sign up was sent out last week Wednesday and sign-ups were due last Friday however if your child would still like to attend check in with your sponsors to see if there is space on the bus. We will be collecting money for lift tickets and rentals on Thursday, February 6 during morning and lunch break. Please be sure to MAKE CHECKS OUT TO BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT (not HCMS) or bring exact cash. Final Ski Club date: Feb. 21
8th Grade Unity Mixer night
Unity Christian Varsity Basketball Night
Date: Friday, February 21
Time: Starts at 5:00 pm
Location: UC Gym
Details: Meet in the gym for a few mixer games, and then some food. FREE pizza and pop for 8th graders! FREE admission to both Varsity games that night. Girls start at 6:00 pm, boys follow. Have a ride ready when you plan to leave.
Earth Day PaperGator Contest
PaperGator Competition!! We have a chance to earn up to $5,000.00 for our school by collecting as much paper in our PaperGator as we can from January through April! It’s called the PaperGator Earth Day Contest! Spread the word to your family and friends to fill up the middle school PaperGator located in the west parking lot off of the bus loop.
Awesome Arts Day
HCMS is hosting Awesome Arts Day on Friday, March 14. We are looking for more people to present 40 minute hands-on presentations in their area of expertise. Past presentations have focused on visual, performance, and literary arts. If you or someone you know may be interested and available from 8-10:30 am, please contact Sara Jager – sjager@4hcs.org.
Raising Kids in a Digital Age
Parenting middle schoolers has never been easy, but today’s digital world brings new challenges. From social media and online dangers to identity and cultural pressures, navigating this stage of life requires wisdom and guidance. Join us for an important event featuring Dan Landstra from Unity Christian High, as he provides Biblical advice for parents and youth leaders on raising kids in today’s world. This event is for parents, youth leaders, and mentors—no children, please. Hosted by the Grand Valley and Rush Creek Cadet Councils. Spread the word and join us for this vital conversation!
📅 Thursday, February 13
📍 Bethany URC – 5401 Byron Center Ave SW, Wyoming, MI 49519
⏰ 7:00 PM
Unity Christian New Student Nights
Unity Christian is holding New Student Nights on February 10, and 12. All 8th grade families should have received a packet in the mail as well as an email with a link to sign up. If you have not received the packet and email and are interested in signing up for an evening, please contact Julie Essebaggers at jessebaggers@unitychristian.org or 616-669-1820.
Boys Lacrosse for Grades 3 – 8
Are you looking for something fun, fast, and exciting for your son to do this spring? Try lacrosse – the fastest sport on two feet! The Unity/Jenison co-op begins this spring and all boys 3rd-8th grade in the EOCS are invited to join Jenison’s youth lacrosse program. There will be an informational meeting for parents on Wednesday, January 29th at 6:00 pm in the Jenison Wildcat Fieldhouse. Coaches will meet with parents to cover lacrosse basics, schedules, equipment needed, and goals for the season. Boys are also invited to try lacrosse most Saturdays to see if they are interested in playing before committing to the season (equipment is available to try). Boys 3rd-6th grade meet from 12:30-2:30 pm and 7th-8th grade meets from 2:30-4:30 pm in the Jenison Fieldhouse to work on lacrosse fundamentals. No experience necessary! Follow Jenison Boys Youth Lacrosse on Facebook for more information.
Middle School Bowling Team
Unity Christian is pleased to offer a Middle School Bowling team for boys and girls in grades 6 – 8. This program will run after school on Mondays and Wednesdays from March 3 – 26, and will consist of instruction and skill building, intra-squad matches, and a match formatted like high school with individual and baker games. It will be held at Hudsonville Lanes, and all experience levels are welcome! The cost to participate is $85, and the deadline to register is February 26. Please go to https://www.unitychristianathletics.org/main/campsclinics/ for more information/schedule and an on-line registration link. Information can also be found at www.unitychristianathletics.org under the “Camps and Clinics” tab.
SpringHill Day Camp
This summer, SpringHill Day Camp is bringing all the camp fun to Hudsonville. This camp is designed for current Kindergarteners through 5th Graders. It will take place at Forest Grove Reformed Church on July 28 through August 1 from 9am to 4pm. Pre- and aftercare is available as well. Registration is open now! To learn more or to register, click HERE!
Allendale Christian 3-on-3
Allendale Christian School will be holding its annual 3-on-3 basketball tournament on Saturday, March 15 at Allendale High School! All athletes grades 3-8 are welcome to participate – divisions will be created based on grade level. Please visit www.facebook.com/ACS3on3/ for more details and to access the online registration form. Early bird registration ($20 discount) runs through February 3. The final registration deadline is March 5. We hope to see you there!
Hudsonville Little League
Hudsonville Little League 2025 Spring Registrations are Open! Click HERE for more information.