My teachers.
My friends.
The supportive community.
Christ at the center.

These are just some of the reasons our students gave when asked what they love about HCS. In case you missed it, hundreds of students’ drawings hung on the walls throughout the gym and around the dining area during the HCS Auction, highlighting what students love about HCS. Individually, these pictures tell beautiful stories of how students feel cared for, known, and challenged. Together, these drawings testify to a God who is alive and moving in their life and throughout the school.
Parents, it is a blessing to partner with you. It is a joy to challenge your students’ minds and lives for Christ, and we are so glad they love so many things about HCS.
In Christ,
Layne Fuller
Director of Marketing and Communications
Thank You, HCS! We Raised $170,000 at the Auction!
The 2024 HCS auction was so incredible! We are blown away by this community’s generous support of our school. Together, we were able to raise $170,000 this year! The most moving part was during our “fund-a-need” when we raised over $26,000 in just over 5 minutes for tuition assistance. Thank you
so much to everyone that came and supported and to all our sponsors! We are praising God for moving hearts to be generous. What a blessing it is to be a part of this community together!
Early Release
This Friday, March 15 is an early release day, with dismissal at 11:10 AM. Our staff will be engaged in valuable professional development during this afternoon. Hudsonville Public buses will run as normal but students riding Unity buses will need to arrange for transportation home.
HCS Annual Society Meeting
The HCS Annual Society Meeting will be held next Monday, March 18 at 7 p.m. in the elementary library, and you are all invited to attend! In addition to voting on the budget and tuition scale, we will also elect school board members for the coming year. The HCS Annual Society booklet can be found at this link.
School Board Meeting
Following the annual Society Meeting on March 18, the School Board will hold their monthly meeting. Please use this as a reminder to pray for our school leadership and administrators. Thanks for your continued support!
Unified Basketball
Join us for our next Unified Basketball game. We will be playing Zeeland Christian in the elementary east gym on Monday, March 25 at 6pm (note the corrected date from previously published).
Class Placement Requests
Soon after spring break, staff will begin constructing next year’s class lists. This is an involved process that requires input of all the staff members who know your child. Because parents have information that is important, we wish to provide an avenue for this input. If you have a request, you must fill out the online form to ensure that it will be considered throughout the process. Class Placement Request Form. Forms are due this Friday, March 15.
Moms in Prayer
The Moms in Prayer group believes that through prayer God releases His power on behalf of our children and school. Our faith is in God who hears and answers our prayers. This week Friday we will be meeting in the preschool lounge at the elementary building, 8:00-9:00 a.m. Please check in at the main office. We will be focused on praying for the specials and core 2 teachers this week. See you there!
Summer Hikes
If you are interested in going on either the Manistee or UP hikes this summer, please go to this link where you will find more information and can sign up.
HCS Employment Opportunities
If you are interested in joining the dynamic staff at Hudsonville Christian School, there are some employment opportunities for the coming 2024/2025 school year. We are looking for some ESS staff as well as a part time middle school counselor. If you are passionate about working with students, are team-oriented, and have a strong love for our Lord and Savior (or if you know someone who is), the applications can be found on our website.
Hudsonville Christian School is seeking applicants for a Full-time Head Outdoor Groundskeeper and Assistant Indoor Custodian. This position is primarily responsible for the cleanliness, preparation, maintenance, safety, and protection of the buildings, contents, and grounds of the school. The full job description and application can be found on our website. All applications must be turned in by Tuesday, March 12.
Tuition Assistance – FACTS Program
Hudsonville Christian will again be participating in FACTS, a grant application program. Families who wish to apply for tuition assistance will need to use the FACTS application format online via their confidential website. The application fee will be paid by HCS. The FACTS organization will analyze the information of each applicant. Through FACTS, HCS has the ability to more evenly distribute available tuition assistance funds based upon factual information the families provide in the application. Please note that any additional information provided in the comments section at the end of the application is very helpful when making the decision for distribution.
Parents who have children in more than one EOCS school need only to fill out the application one time — the information will be available to the schools where their children attend. The FACTS online website application is available now. Please contact FACTS at 1-866-315-9262 with any questions. The deadline for submitting this application is March 31. For registration please go to www.factsmgt.com.
All elementary students will gather in the west gym for chapel on Friday from 10:00-10:25 AM. Parents are welcome to join us and may enter through the west gym lobby doors.
Elementary Hot Lunch
The menu as well as other information on the Elementary Hot Lunch Program provided by JenHud Food Service can be found on the JenHud Food Service website.
4th & 5th Grade Middle School Parent Orientation Night
The Parent orientation night for 4th and 5th grade parents will take place tonight, Tuesday, March 12 in the middle school library. This orientation is designed for parents having a child in middle school for the first time – although all parents are invited. If you are unable to attend a recording of the night can be requested.
- Current 5th grade parents will meet at 5:30 pm.
- Current 4th grade parents will meet at 7:00 pm.
Second Grade Parents
Does your child easily master classroom math? Or write for fun? Or read above grade level? SOAR is a program designed for students who easily master the goals of the classroom. Students receive additional instruction at their level with like ability peers in language arts and/or math. Each spring, 2nd grade students are identified for the program on the basis of parent and teacher nomination and additional testing at HCS. Forms to nominate your child are available to pick up at the elementary school main office. The forms are due by Friday, March 15. Contact Lisi Remy (lremy@4hcs.org or 616-460-7686) with any questions.
3rd Grade STEM Activity
If you have a 3rd grader who enjoys creative thinking, problem solving, and working with others to accomplish a goal, this is the opportunity for them! 3rd grade students are invited to participate in an after school STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activity on Thursday, March 21. We will meet in the Elementary library after school and will be finished at 4:00. The cost, which covers materials and a snack, is $2 and can be paid at the STEM class or sent in ahead of time (LABELED PLEASE) to your child’s teacher. Go to the sign up genius to register your child. The STEM activity is limited to the first 24 students. We would also appreciate the assistance of a few parent volunteers. If you are willing to help, please sign up in the parent slot on the form. Registration for this opportunity closes Tuesday, March 19 or when all the available spots are filled.
Lost and Found
Please remind your child(ren) to check out the lost and found items in the hall by the lower elementary office to see if anything belongs to them. Parents – please check out the lost and found when you are at school.
Summer Tutoring
A list of teachers that are available for summer tutoring can be found on our website.
Students and staff will gather in the south gym for chapel from 7:55-8:25 AM on Tuesday and Thursday. Parents are welcome to join us! If you would like to view the Middle School Chapels at a later time, you can also find recordings on our Vimeo channel- Chapel.
- Mr. Huisman’s Homeroom leading chapel – Tuesday, March 12.
- Mrs. Hoekstra’s Homeroom leading chapel – Thursday, March 14.
Hot Lunch
Hot Lunch this week Wednesday will be Subway 6 in sub/$5.00 (ham/turkey). Pop and chips will also be sold for $.50 each. The full menu/schedule is listed on our website.
Please note, if your child misses school for any reason, it is the STUDENT’S responsibility to connect with each teacher for missed class time content and missed work. It is important that all work is completed promptly to ensure the student does not fall behind.
World of Wonders Day
WOW Day is on Friday, March 22. The goal of WOW Day is to provide experiences for students to appreciate diverse cultures and ethnicities. Students will see various videos, projects and outside speakers, all in hopes to appreciate the variety of people God has blessed us with.
Fiddle Fest
The Fiddle Fest is next week Tuesday, March 19 at 7:00! The theme is music from around the world. Come on a musical journey with us and experience cultural music, folk, fiddle tunes, and more.. The students will have a rehearsal the morning of the program at Fair Haven, details will be sent home in an email. Students can wear jeans and plaid, we want to fill the stage with lots of color. The brighter the better!
Sus Manos
Any middle school student can sign up to serve this week Thursday after school at this link: SUS MANOS. A bus will transport students there after school. Students should bring a hat and be picked up at the ministry at 5:00.
8th Grade Choir
8th Grade Choir Members will be heading to the District Choral Festival on Wednesday, March 20 at Lowell High School. They will sing two pieces of contrasting nature and they will be judged on tone quality, pitch, rhythm, diction, interpretation and presentation elements. Additionally, students will sight-read a piece of music and sing it for the first time. All parents, grandparents, and friends are welcome to attend the performance at 8:20 @ Lowell High School. Parents of 8th Grade Choir Students, please see Mrs. Schreur’s email sent last Friday (3/8) for many important details. Students need to be dropped off at the middle school at 7:00am for a 7:10 departure.
Faces and Our Cultures Program 2024
For many years, our school has participated in a cultural exchange program for Guatemalan students through Faces and Our Cultures. We are excited to continue the program once again next fall. The Faces And Our Cultures program is designed to provide Guatemalan students the opportunity to spend 7 weeks in our community. Over the years, we have had a number of Guatemalan ambassadors come to our campus and many have built lasting relationships with their host families. We are looking for host families to host this fall. Each participant will attend Hudsonville Christian for seven weeks as a full-time student, have their own schedule, and will participate in all aspects of the school day. These student ambassadors are fluent in English and will arrive on Sunday, October 20th and depart on Saturday, December 14th. All the school related costs will be covered by the Faces Program. Host families kindly provide homestay and make them part of their family’s routine for 7 weeks. Each child will need a host home and the assigned child will be the same age and sex of the host child. To learn more you can register at the following link: LEARN MORE HERE
HCS Walkathon is Coming Soon!
The HCS Walkathon will be held on Friday, April 26. This is our one student-led fundraiser with the goal to raise $100,000.00! This money helps cover the cost of technology improvements, sports teams, field trips, and event rentals. The last 13 years have been a huge success and we are grateful for the support of our sponsors, parents and for the energy and hard work of our students! Be sure to login to the Just Giving website to create your family’s page and encourage online donations. (You can make straight donations only on this website). All students will bring home pledge forms Thursday, March 14. Encourage your student to get pledges early before the busy spring arrives! Thanks again for your support and look forward to seeing you at the track on the 26th!
- 4th-8th grade students have the option to get per lap pledges or straight donations. They will also have winners for the top boy/girl lap winners per class!
- Preschool – 3rd grade will collect straight donations only. The preschoolers will be raising money for the Early Childhood Program. They were able to raise more than $5,000.00 the last couple of years and that is their goal again for this year.
Box Tops Bonus Offers for March
Scan receipts into the app within 2 weeks of purchase. All offers end March 31.
- Earn 2 Bonus Box Tops on Dunkaroos when you buy any 3 participating Dunkaroos products in a single transaction.
- Earn 5 Bonus Box Top on Lucky Charms when you buy any 3 participating Lucky Charms products in a single transaction.
- Earn 4 Bonus Box Tops on Totino’s Pizza Rolls when you buy any 3 participating Totino’s Pizza Rolls products in a single transaction.
- Earn 2 Bonus Box Tops on Old El Paso when you buy any 2 participating Old El Paso products in a single transaction. Offer excludes seasoning packets.
- Earn 6 Bonus Box Tops on Pillsbury Toaster Strudel when you buy any 4 participating Totino’s Pizza Rolls products in a single transaction.
- Earn 40 Bonus Box Tops at Target when you buy any 4 participating Annie’s products in a single transaction.
8th Grade Mixer for EOCS Schools
8th grade students are invited to attend a night of bowling and bonding with other 8th graders from the Eastern Ottawa Christian Schools. Join us April 26 from 7:15-9:15 pm at Hudsonville Lanes. Cost is $10 per student which includes shoes and unlimited bowling for 2 hours. The snack bar will be open if students wish to purchase food. See you there!
Middle School Tennis Team
Unity Christian is pleased to offer a Middle School Tennis team for boys and girls in grades 7 & 8. This program will run from April 9 – May 16, and will consist of practices and matches against other schools. All experience levels are welcome! The cost to participate is $60, and the deadline to register is March 26. Please go Unity Christian High School (unitychristianathletics.org) for more information and for registration link.
Attention Middle School Fishermen/Fisherwomen!
Do you have a child who is interested in competitive bass tournaments? Join Unity Christian’s Bass Fishing Club that competes in the Sportspersons Ministries International Middle and High School bass fishing series. The Saturday tournament dates are April 27, May 4, and May 11. Feel free to contact Chad Essebaggers at 616-209-7044 or Scott VanWyk at 616-915-3878 for more information on this club.
Unity Spirit Store
Unity’s Online Spirit Store is open now through Wednesday, March 20! Merchandise will be ready for pickup (from Unity) the week of April 8. All online sales are final.
Unity Summer Sports Camp Schedule and Registration Information
Unity Christian will be hosting several summer sports camps for students ages three to 12th grade. Our summer camp schedule is currently available on our website at this link, and registration will open on April 10. We look forward to hosting your students at Unity sports camps this summer!